Post-Modern Worldview

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Throughout my entire life I have realized that I am a fairly easygoing person. I think that respect is something everyone should be given, no matter how they look, think, or may feel. If someone were to do something that I thought was weird or I may not agree with, I would still respect them just out of basic human decency. Even if someone were to disagree with me about something, as long as they were respectful back to me, it doesn't matter that we have different opinions. I just enjoy going along with things because that is the easiest thing to do for me.

While I may find meaning in some type of pragmatic, action-impact fulfilling way, my world view differs. I view the world with a very post-modern look on to life. An example of this is in Ruby Rose's video linked above.

The purpose behind this video is to show gender roles in a different light. It was made to challenge the way people looked at the world and the ways they had been taught. The video is also a great example of not only my post-modernism worldview, but post-modernism overall. The video is challenging the paradigms that most people agree on within the idea of gender. The video also shows a series of internal chaos as she deviates from what is seen as normal. The comments of this video also show post-modernism. Some people are agreeing with the stance she is taking, some people are accepting of her, but others refuse to even acknowledge someone who is in a different paradigm than them. This also creates chaos in the comment section. People are arguing with each other about who or what is right, and who or what is wrong.

Personally, I have my set of views and other people have their set of views and it's okay if our views are different. I'm still respectful of them and accept what they believe in as their source of answer, even if it conflicts with what I believe in. 

The post-modern way of life is too laid back for me to find meaning in because I find my meaning through actually doing something to impact those around me. I plan to one day take the actions I want to take, such as posting on Wattpad or starting a YouTube channel, so I can start to set towards the life I want to be living. I know that not everything will be how I imagined it, but I will continue to hope and dream for the best. Through my stories on Wattpad or videos on my YouTube channel I want to make an impact on people's lives. This will just be the beginning for me and the legacy I will hopefully be remembered by.


Source: "Break Free." YouTube, uploaded by Ruby Rose, 14 July 2014,

Word Count: 465 words

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