Author's Note

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Hey guys! Sorry, I know you came here to read the story and not my incessant babbling, but still, here goes.

This is my very first try at a one-shot, so please excuse me if it's not up to the mark. I'm even writing another Dramione story- it is a long one- which you can check out on my profile. I read some awesome one-shots named Fatal Liaisons by @owlsarelovely some time ago those are surely my inspiration. Dramione is undoubtedly my favourite ship, as you might have guessed. This is a fan fiction yet again, so sorry real-story lovers. But I can't just let the awesome world of Harry Potter go!

What Dramione usually means: Dramione is short for Draco and Hermione; Hermione and Ron may or may not have been together for a while; she starts to love Draco (because, honestly, the Weasel deserves nothing) and vice versa; Draco and Hermione get married and have children in the epilogue. That's all there is to a hardcore romantic Dramione fanfic. Of course we put in problems of some sort because what is a good story without a plot? And we Dramione shippers take it upon ourselves to make this dream pairing come true... It's very simple, really. What I think is complicated is Romione- Weaselbee is just a right git who never thought Hermione to be a girl, and for that, we make his life hell by not giving him the Brightest Witch Of Her Age! See, it is simple! Come on, I know you're bright!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter in any way. Believe me, if I did, I would be doing a lot more than just getting up, brushing, bathing, writing, sleeping, some more writing, anticipating my Board result, yet more writing and then sleeping again. Sorry to disappoint, but J. K. Rowling still hasn't handed over the copyright to me. I'm honestly offended. I'm not even British. And I haven't got Polyjuice Potion either. My life is not at all desirable, I assure you. But still, if you ever come across a J K Rowling saying she wants to sell off her Harry Potter copyright for free, please be generous and direct her to me. Though I'm not sure why she would do it, unless she was under the Imperius Curse. Anyway, just send her to me. I'll take care of it. Thank you.

You are hereby completely permitted to fanboy/fangirl, vote and comment if you like it!😂

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