Closer and closer

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My entrance music starts playing and I can't believe the pop I got. I walk into the ramp with my trusty elegant cape I have on and my silk gloves. Me and Charlotte continue to promo and I end up winning the match via roll up pin fall.

I go behind the curtain and since the main event is next John is standing in there. "Hey Billie, nice going out there!, fancy going for drinks to celebrate your debut? "Sure" I smile

Me and John meet in the bar that he selected and we get chatting about how much we love wrestling. "When did you start wrestling?" John says " well I really started in 2007 but made my next debut in 2015" I say while smiling again, how about you?" "I can't remember when I debuted I just know that i still love wrestling and never want to give it up? "Passionate huh?" I smile while looking down to my drink.

We were chatting and drinking for about 3 hours and I've obviously had more than he has. So I'm all over the place. "Let's get you back to your room. He says laughing "Thanks for......tonight John. I wake up in the morning and boy do I regret drinking. I see an orange juice and a headache pill saying eat me and drink me. I then hear a card go through the door and it's John " your awake then" he says trying to hold in laughter. "My head is banginggggg"

Billie Kay and John Cena Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt