62 | 2002.

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A Vrene one-shot inspired by Anne-Marie's song, 2002. Hope you like this guys! The song is on the multimedia. ~

I will always remember the day you kissed my lips
Light as a feather
And it went just like this
No, it's never been better
Than the summer of 2002  

"Taehyung! Come! There are some pictures..." she said as Taehyung got up and walked towards Joohyun, who was holding a photo album inside a box. She smiled, as she sat on the floor and opened the album, revealing a picture of them, when they are eleven. 

"We're crazy back then, huh?" Taehyung chuckled and sat beside her. Looking at Joohyun, he put his arm around his shoulder and moved her closer.

We were only eleven
But acting like grownups
Like we are in the present, drinking from plastic cups
Singing, "love is forever and ever"
Well, I guess that was true  

"Oh, this picture... You are crazier than me back then!" Joohyun said sheepishly, a smile tugged at her lips as she turned to the next picture. They are holding purple plastic cups while they looked like singing together, and some of the liquid of the cups are spilled in Taehyung's shirt.

"Well, love is forever and ever," Taehyung sang softly and Joohyun replied back, charmingly smiling of what he sang.

"I guess, it's true."

Dancing on the hood in the middle of the woods
Of an old Mustang, where we sang
Songs with all our childhood friends
And it went like this, yeah  

"Remember how we sang baby one more time together with Seulgi, Jimin and others? Jungkook and Yerim where so young and they always play with the dragonflies! Wendy and Yoongi like on sitting in the front seat of an old mustang we saw back then in the middle of the woods." Joohyun said and Taehyung just ruffled her hair.

"And you're the witty one, always giving a smile to us. Our leader, Joonie approves." he murmured and Joohyun gave a light kiss to his lips.

"And you're the artistic one, always painting me a picture of the skies I love the most, you painted Joy, Jin, and Hoseok in your drawing book back then and you nailed it," Taehyung smiled, happy of her loving compliments and kissed her back. Joohyun giggled and pulled apart and turned to the next picture.

Taehyung stood up, giving his hand to Joohyun as she smiled and got up too, holding the photo album as they walked to the bed they shared and pulled the covers above them. Ever since they are kids, they love to spend time together in a tent or as simple as like this, underneath the covers.

Now we're under the covers
Fast forward to eighteen
We are more than lovers
Yeah, we are all we need
When we're holding each other
I'm taken back to 2002  

"Look, these kids are so sweet. Cuddling each other..." Taehyung teasingly said and Joohyun hit his arm, still giggling.

"That was us! Mom and dad took this picture." Joohyun snuggled into his arms closer and Taehyung just stared at her lovingly.

Turning the next page, Joohyun stared at it with awe. Another picture of them holding hands. They were young back then, but they knew what they feel. 

"I promise I will stay with you forever," Joohyun said and looked at Taehyung who has a tear escaped from his eye. She held his face and wiped the tear with her thumb and smiled lovingly.

"I just couldn't believe we went this far, with you by my side. Since the day we fell in love, Joohyun... I," he held her face, smiling gratefully at his best friend- whom who was there since they were kids. His best friend, who turned out the woman he never thought that they are engaged yesterday. And now they are 18, adults who loved each other truthfully.

"I love you, so damn much." Taehyung continued and moved his face closer as he felt the softness of her lips, he remembered their first kiss. Light and sweet. 

"Summer of 2002, was it?" Joohyun whispered, and Taehyung lightheartedly smiled before he fully captured her soft lips.

I will always remember the day you kissed my lips
Light as a feather
And it went just like this
No, it's never been better
Than the summer of 2002  

Paint a picture for you and me
Of the days when we were young
Singing at the top of both our lungs
On the day we fell in love  ~

p/s ommmggggg i heard this song and i immediately wrote this LOL HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAthe song is really good omggggg

okayyyy too much vrene HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA byeee!! btw taehyung and joohyun has the same age. taehyung was born on 1990 and joohyun on 1991 soooo imagine them in those ages lol HAHAHAHHA <33 and yea, the year 2009 !!

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