Chapter 6

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It was Saturday morning and my alarm, gladly, woke me up. Me, being me, would probably wake up at 4 in the afternoon.

I grabbed my clothes and flew to my bathroom. I dressed in my usual 1D uniform; an " I Love One Direction" shirt, the denim shorts I wore 5 days ago, and my One Direction high tops. I am so original, don't you think?

I did one last outfit check, put my blue-black hair in a fishtail to the side and I was off.

I dashed down the stairs to find Julia, being Julia, and stabbing a Coke-A-Cola can. Oh, Julia.

She wore black, black, and more black, a black tank top, an black mini skirt and black flip flops. No wonder people called her stereo-typical-emo-chick. Oh well, she still look really good, with her brown, straight hair parted to the side.

"Hey, Lulu." I said cooly while ripping off a loose thread off of my T Shirt. I've called her Lulu ever since we became friends in Kindergarden.

She just groaned.

"Belly, do we have to go?" pleaded Julia.

"Yes. Yes we do." I answered as quickly as possible.

She groaned even more.

I grabbed my book, my CD, and my phone and we were off.

As I stepped into Julia's car, I causually scrolled through my texts seeing that I have a new one from Chase.

-Text Messages-

C- Where the hell are you? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TDAY IS?!?!?!?!

What is he talking about, I thought to myself. Oh well, I'll text him later.

I absentmindedly turned on the radio to find one of my favorite non One Direction songs, Give Your Heart a Break, by Demi Lovato. I hummed along quietly. My singing voice was always ok in my own opinion, but I never sang in front of anyone but my best friend.

"Aren't you excited, Lu?" I asked her while squeezing her thigh. "I mean, even you said so yourself, they are pretty darn cute." I winked at her.

"I never said that. Never." Julia shook her head. I just laughed and turned up the radio.

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