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"You know, you will have to go home eventually." Marvolo pointed out to Harry. The boy had eaten breakfast and vanished to the library, he was practically twitching, much to the endless amusement of the Dark Lord.

"I know, I just have… work to do." Harry said and Marvolo bit back a scoff.

"You are merely putting of the inevitable."

"I do not know what you are speaking of." Harry stated.

"Of course not,"

"Fine, I am, but with good reason. I refuse to be grounded again, especially when it wasn't even my fault." Harry sighed.

"Then tell them that, explain why you were angry with them." Marvolo said calmly, "It was wrong of them to try and pressurise you in to something they could not hope to understand."

"I suppose I should go, I have work to be doing anyway and I want to go and see Draco."

"No doubt little Lucius will be interested in the goings on of Black Manor currently." Marvolo pointed out and Harry brightened at that.

"I can try out my new broom,"

"Go, fiend, no doubt I will see you soon."

"Secretly you pine for my company." Harry said nimbly dodging the stinging hex sent at him, "Aressa has been pestering me about seeing Nagini again, so I'll send her through the floo later."

"I won't be surprised to see another Snake then,"

"Good," Harry pulled himself up and packed his things with a wave of his hand. "Walking to my doom," He muttered and left. Marvolo shook his head.

Harry floo'd back home and headed for his rooms, he almost made it there without being detected, but he ran in to his dad as he opened the door to his bedroom.

"Harrison Regulus Black! Stop right there." Sirius called and Harry muttered a few choice curses in Parsel. He put his things in room and slowly turned to face his father who was, for the first time in Harry's memory, glaring at him.


"Come with me, immediately." He ordered sharply, he span on his heel and walked away leaving Harry no choice but to follow him. He was led in to a room that he had not entered yet, it was a study, like Marvolo's but it was done up in full Black attire.

"Sit," Sirius pointed to a chair and Harry hastily took a seat while his dad took the seat behind the desk. The room was silent as Sirius watched his son, his pride and joy, and Harry fought not to fidget under his gaze.

"Do you know how worried I have been?" Sirius asked eventually, his voice was calm and even. Harry looked at him in shock, not having expected that.


"Moony and I have been going out of our minds with worry." He repeated, and Harry blinked a few times.

"But why? I told you where I was going." Harry said incredulously, Sirius sighed and sat back.

"Harrison, you told us you were going to the castle, but you never came back. You vanished to the place where the most powerful, and the most dangerous, man in the wizarding world resides and you never come back. There was no word, no message, nothing to tell us what was going on. For all we knew you had been killed."

"What? That's absurd!" Harry exclaimed, "I thought I'd told you Marvolo couldn't hurt me. Besides, he wouldn't,"

"Harrison, you don't understand. That man, he is the Dark Lord, he didn't get his reputation by sitting back and being peaceful. This is the same person who instilled so much fear to people that they refuse to speak his name!" Sirius told him seriously, "You just left and there was nothing. I had no way to contact you, no way to get to you, no way to see if you were ok."

Twins: A different life - Discontinued - SorryWhere stories live. Discover now