Chapter 25

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That night, you couldn't fall asleep. You tossed and turned. All you could think about was Jimin, and Yoongi's confessions.

You reached for your phone, clicking the home button to turn it on. '1:06 am' it read. "Damn.." you whispered to yourself as you unlocked your phone.

"I won't hurt to text him.." you whispered again, sending a message to Namjoon. You needed to talk to someone.

You: u up? i need to tell you something that's been bothering me.

Namjoon : im up. whats wrong?

You: both jimin and yoongi confessed to me and i can't sleep because of it

Namjoon : confessed as in..they love you?

You: ...yeah

Namjoon felt his heart drop. He needed to tell you. It was now, or never.

Namjoon : god..I uh..

You: You okay?

Namjoon : ..I feel so stupid saying it this way..but whatever they said..I feel the same.

You: so you "love" me too?

Namjoon : I..yeah..

You: why? why me? why not Jinwoo, or Tae See?

Namjoon : you caught my eye the first time we met. And getting to know you made me realize you have such a great personality, and you're always so kind to everyone around you, including strangers.

You: ...

You: I feel like I'm gonna hurt someone..

You: this is so damn stressful

Namjoon : it probably is. take your time :)

You: okay. Goodnight

Namjoon : goodnight, Y/n

You set your phone back on the nightstand, and closed your eyes.

"Yeaaaah...I'm not getting any sleep tonight." You said to yourself at you stared at the ceiling.


Your alarm went off at 7:30 am. Your eyes were still open. Reaching a hand up, you turned it off. "Today is going to be a living hell.." you mumbled as you lazily got out of bed.

You changed into black leggings, and a black T-Shirt-type crop top before putting your hair up into a ponytail and walking out into the kitchen.

"Damn, Y/n. Did you witness a murder or something? You look terrible." SunWo teased.

"I got ZERO sleep.." you half-yelled. You walked passed the counter and began making yourself some coffee. You were gonna need it.

"Maybe you should rest today." Jinwoo suggested.

"It's alright. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anyways." You reassured, taking a sip. "Anyways, whats our schedule like today?"

"Well..yesterday, I got a call from JP Rim saying that we need to start a new album. So, we need to start on that. She even offered for you to have a solo album!" Jinwoo beamed.

"A solo album? But I only rap!" You said in a shocked tone.

"I think you should sing some." Tae See smiled. "Everyone, including our fans know you have the voice of an angel."

"I do not!" You stammered.

"Do too!" SunWo reassured, leaning against the counter that you all were at.

"Tsk. Tsk. Let's just go." Jinwoo smiled, putting her mug into the sink. "Get ya shoes on!" She joked, grabbing her bag with her laptop in it and a water bottle. You all grabbed some water as well, following her out of the dorm.

Once in the practice room you reserved for the day, you set your things down and shut the door. "Y/n, wanna go into the recording room to write in peace?" Jinwoo asked.

"Sure." You grab your water, notepad, and mechanical pencil before walking out and across the hall into the recording room.

You sat in the spinning office chair while opening your notepad. You clicked the tip of the pencil, revealing a small amount of led for you to write with.

You bit the eraser part of the pencil, thinking. You had forgotten all about the confessions, but then thought about writing a song about how you feel. You wrote the  date at the top of the paper.

You began humming a soft melody to yourself, trying to imagine lyrics you'd write.


A few minutes pass and you gently bite the inside of your cheek. "Ugh.." you sighed.

There was a small knock on the door. Not looking up, you lazily said, "Come in."

"What are you up to?" Hoseok said.

"I been given the task to write my own songs for an album.." You stammer. "I have the idea, but nothing is coming to me."

"Hmm..what's your idea?" He asked, curiously. You look up at him as he leans against the table.

"Three people have confessed their so-called 'feelings' to me and I'm just stressed about it." You said using air-quotes. His expression changed.

"Make that four." Was all he said before heading to the door. "Whoever the other three people are, add J-Hope to the list." And with that, he left.

You stared at the door, hoping he'd come back in and say it was a joke. But he didn't. This isn't okay. It hurts.

"I don't want to hurt any of you. But not doing anything only hurts me." You whisper. You then picked up your pencil again and wrote that down. After that, lyrics began flowing out of you, and you smiled as you finished the last lyric.

You stood up and walked back into the practice room. "I've got a song." You smile, grabbing your back and putting your notepad away. You wanted to try and forget about the guys that are supposedly "in love" with you.

It doesn't have to be now, but all you know is that a big decision has to be made. You just have to make sure it's the right one.

:) creating the endings soon!

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:) creating the endings soon!

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