☉ Bienvenue, Mes Amies!! ☉

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Welcome to the Summer Solstice Awards!!

Can you guys believe that it's already time for another awards?? It feels like we just got finished with the Snowflake Awards. How the time flies!

But I'm kind of happy the time flew by so quick because I'm excited for these awards as well! I believe these awards will go much smoother because people are not as busy during summer months.

I believed that this was a good theme for these awards - it's quite unique, but simple at the same time. And we all know that the sun is essential to the sustainability of life on Earth! Just as are our authors, who work hard to publish pieces that will allow us to have a new perspective of life. The sun lights the way, allowing us to see, while the words of an author have the ability to open our ignorant eyes to a world of possibilities and morals.

Don't we all learn something meaningful when we read?

I would like to recognize those who have a lesson to be taught, powerful words that engage us in their lore, but lack the eyes and ears willing to open to them.

In other words, I would like to recognize those who have lovely stories yet to be discovered.

Now, without further adieu, let us get into the fun stuff!

The Solstice Awards  (2018) - CLOSED FOR JUDGINGWhere stories live. Discover now