21. Hot Chocolate Harmony

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My stomach was finally sated. No more growls, simply a satisfied bloated state leaving me in a lethargic food coma. I clutched the back of my chair, wobbling a little as I stretched my back. I never knew how good meat and sweets could taste together. Then again, when I was still alive I never even considered the idea of eating chicken with waffles. The mere thought always made me leer. A smile peeked on my face at a distant memory; someone who might've been close to me before swore the combination would blow me out of this world. They had a huge smile on their face while eating, too—even when I leered at their plate. I think I got what they meant now.

Maybe that was my coworker. But no matter how much I tried to distinguish their face, my thoughts went static. Was there any point in trying? Even if they were still around, I wasn't the Lucille they knew anymore. My grip on the seat tightened as I pushed it under the table. That didn't matter right now; more importantly, what was I supposed to do with this discovery? I could only recall the mundane chores I did at work but could... could I somehow mash meat and sweets together like chicken and waffles? What I did with the macarons was interesting, but what about more variety along with the meat filling? How far could I go? Doughnuts, carrot cakes, cookies, sandwiches, and other snacks, all jam-packed with the finest meat slices.

Saliva gathered in my mouth. I slid my tongue over my lips before a drop could slip out. This was something worth looking to, if not for quenching my curiosity then to please my appetite. How many combinations could be made? C-Could blood be incorporated as an ingredient? Savages had the sweetest blood so it shouldn't have been a problem to take a bit. But where can I get some? No, no, I had to find recipes first. There was no way I could make this without some help. Maybe Charles could—

A hand placed on my shoulder shattered my concentration. The source turned out to be Wastia, wearing a crooked grin.

"You're smilin' kinda strange there, bud," she stated after a tilt of her head. "You alright?"

Mouth agape, I looked behind her to see Charles and Styke observing me with equal concern. Oh, that was close. I almost went out of line. My eyes lingered on the jaw-juggling zo... I mean, mortem, as I let out a sigh. "Fine, fine, but I think I'm gonna need Charles for a few days."

She removed her hand and shrugged. "Sure, take 'em."

"Hold up." Charles took strides toward us. He had deep creases in his forehead, more layered than the bacon I had this morning. "I'm not some last slice of pizza up for grabs, I'll have you know. It's the damn weekend. Don't you think I have plans?"

"Plans? You?" Wastia exclaimed, finger pointed at him. She then hummed as if in thought for a few seconds. "Nope, nothing comes to mind. Any thoughts, Styke?"

The guy scratched his stubble and stepped closer. "I bet has a date." Once he was by Charles' side, he draped his shoulder over the pale fellow with a smirk. "Ain't that right, lover boy?"

"Hm... you may be on to something," Charles teased, an air of nonchalance wrapping around him. He kept a sole finger centimeters away from meeting his lips. "But, that's a story for another time."

Despite Wastia's usual composure, a chuckle managed to escape her teeth's clutches. She gave Charles a light punch. "Knock it off; we all know you plan to spend it fussing over that treasure of yours. Still haven't eaten it?"

Treasure? Ripped stockings and drool dripping on flesh came to mind. Ah, that. I averted my eyes. H-How much preparation was needed to cook a l-l-l-leg? What sweets went well with it? Was the meat soft and tender, or... nevermind that. It was best to focus on this new opportunity. But, what was I hoping to accomplish with this?

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