Chapter Two: Unsub

Start from the beginning

"Ok, do we have everything?"

"I do!" Sadie chorused, bouncing up and down.

"Me too." Charlotte replied.

"Ok...let's go!" We loaded the basket into the car and took off on the ten minute drive to the park. Sadie was bouncing up and down, her rabbit flopping around as if it had been tossed into a tornado. Charlotte was immersed in the pages of a Magic Tree House book. I came to a stop in front of the park, only to see a familiar head of floppy blonde hair running around on the playground equipment. It was Jack.

"Mommy! Look, it's Jack!" Charlotte exclaimed, jumping out of the car. "Lets go play with him, Sadie."

"Wait, hold on-"

"JACK!" Sadie screamed, and the two of them took off running towards him. I sighed, getting the basket out and following after them. I came to a stop next to Aaron, who had his hands in the pockets of a pair of track pants. 

"What are the odds?" I said awkwardly. He glanced at me. "I'm not going to yell at you again, if that's what you're worried about. "

"I was actually running through my apology." He replied. I nodded.

" too." He furrowed his eyebrows. "I never should have lost my temper like that to anyone, much less a parent who happens to be a perfect stranger." He shook his head.

"You have no reason to apologize. I'd had a long day, wrapping up a case we were working on...then I got to school late and you were..." He trailed off.

"Telling you how to raise your kid?" I asked. He nodded.


"Well...I'm sorry about that too. I really am looking out for Jack. I care about all of my much so that sometimes I forget that they aren't my kids." he smiled. 

"I'm glad you're Jack's teacher. And I promise, I will try to be there more." I nodded.

"I know you will. And for the record...I think you've done a pretty good job thus far." He looked back out at Jack, who was pushing Sadie on the swing while Charlotte swung next to her.

"Trust me, that had nothing to do with me. That was his mother."

"What happened to her?" I asked. I cringed, realizing how rude that was. "Sorry...none of my business."

"No, it's alright. She's dead." I nodded, not wanting to push it anymore.

"I'm so sorry."  

"Thank you."

"Well, I'm sure he got his manners from you. All of his 'Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am'. I'm sure your FBI formality taught him that." He smiled.


"What was your case about?" I asked. "The one you closed yesterday."

"There was a mass murder at an internet security company, followed by the unsub's parents."

"Unsub?" I asked.

"Your dad didn't tell you about that terminology?" He asked.

"Things have probably changed a lot since his day." I replied.

"Unidentified Subject." I nodded. 

"So, why'd he do it?"

"Capgrass syndrome. A car accident, mixed with PTSD caused the unsub to think his family were imposters, and the real ones had been taken away from him."

"That's awful. So he killed his parents and he didn't even know it was them?" I asked. He nodded. "That's awful. I mean, it's a difficult job anyway, but does it make your job harder if the 'unsub' isn't at fault?"

"In my line of work, it's very common for the unsub to be mentally unstable." I nodded. "But, enough about work."

"What else is there?" I asked, smiling at him.

"What brings you three to the park?"

"The girls wanted to have a picnic." I explained. "What about you?"

"We always go out and do something the day after I get back from a case. Today, Jack chose the park."

"Small world," I said, "Well, you and Jack are welcome to join us."

"No, thank you. I wouldn't want to cut in on time with your girls."

"You wouldn't be. I think they enjoy Jack's company, and I seldom have another adult around to talk to on weekends. It would be a blessing for all three of us. Plus, there's plenty of food. Unless, you want to be alone with Jack, which I completely understand."

"No, it's not that, um...let me talk to Jack." I nodded.

"Take your time. Girls!" They stopped playing, looking up at me. "Let's go get the blanket set up." I smiled at Aaron again before walking out into the open part of the park. I spread out the blanket while the girls unpacked the basket. I glanced up at Jack and Aaron. Aaron was crouched down, his hand on Jack's shoulder. Jack was listening intently, nodding vigorously every so often. Aaron smiled. He was very attractive, I had to admit. That was unprofessional of me to think, but I think I was past unprofessional with him at this point. They made their way over to us and I looked away from them, focusing on organizing the sandwiches on the blanket.

"Is it ok if we have lunch with you?" Jack asked, even though he already knew the answer. Charlotte grabbed his arm, pulling him down in response. I laughed and Aaron sat down beside me. I handed him a sandwich.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

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