-A * means that it is the most
common name for that divine
-I do not have all the Divines planned out yet, so divines may be gradually added
Divine of Devour - Nyra (Nigh-ruh)
Most common form: unkownGoddess of Void - Galexia (Guh-lex-E-uh)
Most common form: Void DragonGoddess of Black - Astrid (probably changing her name eventually)
Most common form: A Black DragonGod of White - Raznak
Most common form: A White DragonGoddess of Chaos - Nova
Most common form: Scorched Battler (Chaos Dragon)Goddess of Holy - Astra*/Hailstorm <--(dragon name)
Most common form: Sunfeather (Holy Dragon)Goddess of Dark - Skia (Ski-uh)
Most common form: What a tiger with the dark element would look likeGod of Light - Valor
Most common form: A pure white Griffin with golden wings and eyesGod of Water - Atalas (At-all-ehs)
Most common form: A blue furred Feneutu with golden eyes and fireGod of Wind - Oxious (Ox-E-us)
Most common form: A Stormflyer (wind dragon)Goddess of Earth - Gira (jee-ruh)
Most common form: MountainEater (earth dragon)God of Fire - Arintiik/Leonitus* <-- (wolf name) (Are-in-tiek)
Most common form: Fire wolfGod of Lightning - Voltixe (Vole-tie-cs)
Most common form: A purple and yellow eyed Shock LeopardGoddess of Ice - Chisanu (Chi-sah-nu)
Most common form: A Glacierscale (ice dragon)Goddess of Flora - Yuvoka (You-voh-kuh)
Most common form: A WoodwolfGoddess of Crystal - Sphikatine (Sphee-kuh-teen)
Most common form: a dire wolf made up of crystalsGod of Gem - Falkuna (Fal (rhymes with gal)-koo-nuh)
Most common form: Diamond (gem dragon)Divine of Spectrum - Aurusu (Ow-roo-soo)
Most common form: Basically a rainbow griffinGod of Soul (spoilers) - Atiro/Starry Nightspeaker* <-- feline name
Most common form: A small black and silver feelo with blue eyes.Goddess of Shadow - Ararius*/ Vala Shadowedstripes <-- Feline name (Uh-rare-E-iss)
Most common form: A Shock OcelotGod of Shadow- Araius (Uh-Rye-iss)
Most common form: A mass of shadow magic in the shape of a dragonGoddess of Essence - Tara
Most common form: A very dark grey dire wolf with yellow eyes and white stripes on her tail
Obutrae - Legends
FantasySo sometimes I have random pieces of ideas I want for Obutrae, so I'm going to dump them all here. I'll also be making chapter for the element pedigree and divine names sense I always forget. (I'll make my own cover eventually. I do not own the art)