Day One

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Protagonists are meaningless without the challenge.

It is not the hero that interests;

After all, a wise man who thought he was wiser than he was

Once remarked in candor, 

"Heroes are boring."

I weave tales with no heroes and no villains,

Sing songs without bravery or condemnation.

My judgment is reserved only for the close-minded,

The limited-thinkers, those who bear a stamp on their hearts

Reading "All Rights Reserved". 

It is not the hero that interests, nor the villain who excites,

Though stories of adventure, drama, romance, and promises of happily ever after

Will be told far and wide from the dawn of time until the sunset of eternity. 

It is the challenge, the obstacle, the conquest that delights the senses,

A rush of adrenaline as good and evil and everything in-between collide,

Obstinately pushing for that moment of exquisite surrender.

Every world ends with a bang, and a whimper, and a cry;

The ecstatic moment of letting go, giving into to unimaginable freedom.

Every world aches for that beautiful moment, the one of perfect gentle stillness,

Complete and undefiled understanding in the seconds before those final words are uttered:

"The End". 

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