The elevator dings, and the doors glide open. I step out and glance around, looking for 403. "May I help you, Miss?" A shorter, perky, nurse asks, walking up to me.

"Uh," I reply, looking around. "I'm here to see Kade Sommers. 403."

She nods. "Ah, yes. Mr. Sommers. Come with me," she orders, waving me down the hall. As we walk, she gives me a report. "Mr. Sommers overdosed on lithium and then was in quite a rough car crash. He isn't awake. yet, but if he does wake up, we will have him on suicide watch."

"If?" I ask, cutting her short.

She glances back to me and gives me a sad smile. "Yes, Honey. If. We had to pump his stomach because of the overdose. He suffered from a concussion, leading into brain damage, a broken leg, a broken arm, some fractured ribs, and he has stitches in various locations."

I can't hold it back. Hot tears begin to roll down my cheeks, but I bite my tongue, suppressing a sob. "How severe is the brain damage?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"I've seen worse," she says, slowly. "But, there might be a few issues from it that we can work through."

We stop in front of the dark, wooden door. "What kind of issues?"

"Loss of motor skills, speech, or memory. They are all possibilities. I'm sorry, Sweet Heart. I know it's not easy to hear, but Mr. Sommers may have a long road to recovery ahead of him."

I nod, letting another tear slip down my cheek. "Thank you," I whisper.

She smiles. "If you need me, just press the call button. I'll give you some time alone."

As she walks away, I turn to the door. With a deep breath, I reach for the handle and open the door. Sounds of monitors beeping fill my ears, and my eyes rest on Kade. His eyes are closed. I close the door behind me and then slowly make my way over to him.

"Kade," I say, fighting away another sob as I take in his broken body, held together by casts and stitches. "Kade, I don't know if you can hear me." I take his hand into mine, lacing our fingers together. His hands are freezing. "But Emma and I are here for you. I'm not leaving until you wake up," I choke out. "I'm not leaving, Kade."

*Over Two Weeks Later*

Every moment since the accident has been nothing but a dull, numb, blur. I have spent every night in the hospital, barely ever leaving the room. It nearly feels like a prison. The others come to visit sometimes. I leave the room when Noah comes. It's hard to be around him when I know I have to be here for Kade right now. No one has heard from Jessica at all. I've fallen behind in my online classes, but I e-mailed my professors, and they all gave me extenstions.

"Hey, Iris," says the perky nurse from the first night that I arrived here as she enters the room holding a clipboard. I have learned that her name is Jane. She has made my time here a lot easier.

I return an exhausted smile. "Hey, Jane. Did you just get here?"

She nods. "Yes, I'm just doing my rounds right now. Maybe on my break, we could grab a bite to eat together."

I nod. "That'd be nice. I'm sure I'll be hungry by then."

She checks Kade's vitals and makes sure that everything is in order with his monitors and feeding tube. Once she is finished, she leaves, and I lean back in the recliner that I have thoroughly broken in over the past couple of weeks. I flip the T.V. on and find Kade's hand, sliding my fingers between his.

"You know," I say to him. "I really hope that you wake up before Emma gets here. You still have a few months."

I kick my feet up, glancing down at my swollen ankles. I really don't think that he can hear me anymore. I just talk to him to keep myself sane.

A couple of hours pass. I close my eyes and lean my head back, becoming bored of the T.V. Just as I feel myself begin to drift off to sleep, I am brought back by a gentle squeeze from Kade's hand in mine, followed by a little wiggle of his fingers. My eyes fly open.

"Kade?" I exclaim, feeling a lump form in my throat. "Kade, can you hear me?" I wait a moment, and then my hand is squeezed, harder this time. I sit up straight, leaning over to his bed. 

My mouth falls open as Kade's eyes slowly open, and when our eyes meet, a small, sleepy smile crosses his face. This feels like a dream. "Iris," he whispers from his dry throat. "Hi, Angel." I was afraid I'd never see those dark, brown, eyes staring back at me again.

I try to smile back, but tears begin to cloud my vision. "Hi, Kade. How do you feel?"

He glances around, the smile slowly fading from his face. "My head hurts. Where am I?" I notice that is speech is a little slurred and delayed.

I take a deep, shaky breath. "You're in the hospital. You had an accident."

"Oh," he replies, quietly, pausing as he processes this. "Well, when can we go home?"

"Do you want me to go ask the doctor for you? I should really tell them that you're awake." I say, trying to find an excuse to have a moment alone. I can't take this. He is so lost.

He nods, smiling at me. "Sure. Thanks, Angel."

I bite back more tears as he uses the old name for me that he always use to call me. "I'll be right back," I say, nodding.

I push myself up from the chair and turn to walk away, but just before I do, Kade grabs my wrist, stopping me. "What is that?" He asks, stunned.

I turn back to him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

His eyes nearly bulge out of his head as he fully takes in the sight of all of my belly. "You're pregnant?" He chokes out, tears springing into his eyes. My jaw drops. I stand there, staring down at him. He looks just as confused as I do mortified. His hand falls from mine, and tears begin to roll down his cheeks. "How long have I been asleep?"

"K-Kade," I stutter. "You've only been out for a couple of weeks. Do you not remember the past several months?"

He shakes his head, and his eyes flicker back to my belly. "It's our baby?" He asks, quietly. I nod, still fighting back a sob. His tired eyes find mine again. "Why don't you look happy then, Angel?"

His words rip me open. How can this be happening? What did I do to deserve this? "I-I can't do this," I cry, rushing out of the room.

"Iris, wait!" Kade shouts from behind me, his voice cracking. "Don't leave me."

"I'll be back with the doctor," I call over my shoulder just before closing the door behind me.

Simply Submissive (Secretly Submissive Sequel) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now