Battle Task 1: Entries

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Grunting, Kyren spun to face him. " Teleportation is the oldest trick in the book." As he spoke, black fire formed in his hand. Thrusting his hand forward, he sent the fiery ribbons, encased in black magic, towards his tentacles. Wrapping tight around his tentacles, the black magic began to deplete the octomer of his magic. The spell also depleted his reserves. Razor smirked, seeing how it made his opponent lightheaded.

Pushing his tentacles outwards, Razor broke his grip. Taking advantage of his weakened opponent, he swam forward. Smirking, he followed the current making circles around him. The human was being covered in bubbles and the current around him intensified. He hoped he was making it worse for the human. "Like I said, water is my domain." With those last words, he stopped abruptly. The force of the vortex ending sent the human flying across the sphere.

Leaping to his feet, Kyren cracked his neck. "Time to get serious, Fish." As he spoke, a dark orb appeared on his hands. Raising his hands, he combined the orbs making them bigger. Sending the orb, he threw his hands towards Razor. Knocking him in the chest, Razor was flung against the back. Grunting, Razor looked back as she almost went through the outer part of the sphere.

Moaning, Razor grabbed his head. Pain racked his body. Pushing upwards with his tentacles, Razor gritted his teeth. Closing his eyes, he focused on the water surrounding him. Even tho his magic is shadows, as long as he is in water, he can use this to recharge his Mathanos. Opening his eyes, he smirked. "If you want serious, then I'm ready."

As he spoke, black wisps rose on his hand. Bringing his hands closer, he moved them in a circle like motion till they rested in front of him with one hand above the other. His bare chest was visible between them. Reappearing in the middle of the circles, the black wisps vanished. AS the black orb intensified, Razor locked his eyes on his target.

Smirking, he imagined a beam hitting the male in the chest, strong enough to make sure he would lose. The black orb appeared shot towards Kyren. The force hit him the chest, knocking him backward. At the last second, Kyren caught the beam with a shield of darkness. The force of the impact pushed Kyren back a few inches.

"Nice trick," Razor remarked, "I have a few of my own." Summoning the shadows of the opponents around him, he made his hands glow.

"Man, you just won't go down will you?" Kyren huffed. Feeling his mathanos partially restored. The male summons silhouettes to battle against the shadows. Catching Razor off guard, he tackled Razor to the bottom of the sphere. Just as he was about to deliver a blow to the octomer's chest, the buzzer went off. The fight was over. 

music1or1books (for fun):

Claudie was cold. All of the guilds were standing outside, looking at the large orb of water floating in the air, and it was cold outside. She was only wearing shorts and a shirt and was upset that Rehan had insisted it was warm outside.

"You shouldn't have trusted me to tell you the weather," he said when she complained.

Les rolled his eyes while the new girl seemed too nervous to be paying attention. She was always so jittery and Claudie wished the girl would just calm down.

"I hope I don't get chosen because I am not in the mood to ruin my hair today," said Claudie, only partially joking.

Lilova grinned. "I hope you get picked just because you said that."

A loud noise signalled the beginning of the Gamemaker's announcements, and at once everybody became silent.

Claudie listened as they explained the rules to the battle task, but she found herself getting distracted by the floating ocean in front of her. She couldn't tell if she liked the water or not, only that it was fascinating to look at.

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