Chapter 15•~

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While he leads the way we finally reach the spot we were at. Where's Kushina? Wait where's the shopping cart full of the stuff I was going to get?!

"Where's your mom?" I ask him and he shrugs. He looks around. Why didn't he talking now? Well actually good I like it this way! Him not talking is probably the best right now!

I look around and see a shopping cart slowly popping out from an aisle. And it's full of... my stuff!!!!

Naruto sees it too. He doesn't do anything all he does is just laugh. How is this funny to him?! Someone took my shopping cart and he laughs! Ugh the nerve of his guy!

Then he shopping cart is out all the way. Light skinned hands are on the handle. A red bracelet on the right hand. Wait is that?

"Kushina?" I whisper to myself. Naruto hears it and snaps his head back up to see again.

Her whole body comes walking out with it. ITS KUSHINA!!! OH THANK GOD I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE SOMEONE ELSE!!!

My whole body loosens up from me being tense. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Naruto just shrugs it off and starts to walk towards her. I walk behind him.

"Mom were back" He was annoyed. If he keeps this up I will tell his mom the truth. It's starting to get annoying! Her head pops up and she smiles big. I smile at her to be nice.

"There you are! You guys were taking long so I decided to take your cart with me and look around!" She says letting go of the cart. Aww! Hoe thoughtful of her!!!! She's so sweet!

"Sorry about that!" I quickly apologize and she just smiles. Omg! I haven't told her my name. I was too busy thinking about how Naruto was being an asshole!

"I haven't told you my name! It's Hinata" I tell her. Naruto rolls his eyes.

"Oh! That's a beautiful name! I can't believe my little Naruto has a beautiful girlfriend!" She says excited. I just smile big at her. I feel so bad for lying to her though...

"Ok! Ok! Enough now! Can we just buy your crap and leave?" He asks. Ugh he is so annoying. But I want to go back to the dorm and sleep.

"Oh I was going to ask if I was able to treat you guys to dinner then maybe a little shopping at the mall after..." she says sad. Narutos eyes widen and he smirks. I don't really want to though... I need to get prepared for college tomorrow!

"Well then... let's go mom! We will gladly go!" He says with a smirk looking at me. Oh god no! He is doing this on purpose isn't he!!!!!

Her head snaps up at him and she smiles big. She really loves to smile huh? It's cute though...

"Really?!?" She says. He nods then she looks at me and I give her a smile then nod slowly. Today's is going to be a long day...

"Ok! Is 6:30 a good time?" She asks. No it's not! I need to get ready for my big day tomorrow! Naruto nods and smiles at me. Is he really happy right now?!? Probably happy torturing me!

"Ok so shall we go love?" Naruto says in a cute voice and holds out his hand to me. What the hell did I just say CUTE VOICE!!?!? NOOO HINA STOP!!!!!

"Yes we shall" I say with the fakest smile ever giving him a 'I'm going to kill you' glare. He just chuckles and I put my hand over his.

Kushina squeals and walks away. She's probably going to go look around and buy a couple of things.

"You know you could let go of my hand!" I tell him and he just smirks and ignores me. Ugh... he looks so cute right now... NO HINA STOP!!!!! WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!?

I roll my eyes and we walk away from the spot we were in. OMG WAIT! WE GOT THE SHOPPING CART!

"Wait the shopping cart!" I basically scream. I get my hand out of his and I run for the shopping cart. He just rolls his eyes and chuckles.

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