Just us

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Warning ⚠️ 16 and up

When we got to my house I walked in and kicked off my shoes.

I looked to Ryder to see him laughing.

"What? What's so funny?"

"You. I don't think I've ever seen a girl kick their shoes off."

"Well I'm not like most girls." The look in his eyes sent shivers down my spine.

"Oh believe me I know."

"I'll be back. I'm going to go get changed. Make yourself at home."

I walked into my room and took off all my makeup and undid my hair.

I went to take the dress off but realized I couldn't get the zipper.

"Ryder" He came down the hall and stopped at my door.

"Do you think you can help me?"

He nodded his head and slowly walked over to me. I felt his hand rest at my waist as the other pulled the zipper.

I heard him take a sharp intake of breath as he unzipped the dress. I felt him kiss my neck and I let my head go back.

I knew I would mostly regret this in the morning but at this time I couldn't care less.

I let the dress fall and That left me in my underwear. Since this dress had a built in bra I didn't need one.

I felt his hands grab onto my waist and I shivered with his touch.

I slowly turned to him and he kept his eyes on me. I grabbed his tie and undid it throwing it to the ground. I undid his shirt as well and opened it to see his tattoos. I stood there as he watched me move my fingers to trace them.

He put his fingers under my chin lifting my head to look at him. I went on my tippy toes and kissed him as he pulled me to him.

He picked me up carrying me to the bed and falling with me to it. He started Kissing his way down to my stomach and stopped at my underwear.

I watched as he looked up to me asking if this was what I wanted. With a small nod of my head he continued with what he was doing.

His teeth brushed my stomach as they grabbed onto my underwear and pulled them down. I felt his breath down there as he stopped to torture me.

I held onto the sheets as he continued with his work and finally he finished taking my underwear off.

I grabbed for his pants and he helped me take them off. Soon we were under the covers looking at each other.

He pulled me to him and I felt him there. He whispered in my ear to calm me down as he did this to me. The rest of the night it was just us.

I woke up before Ryder did. I had an idea to mess with him and I kissed his chest. I went all the way down to his friend and I felt the sheets ball up and I smiled. He pulled the covers back and I saw him looking at me. I bit my lip as I smiled.

"That was one way to wake me up." He pulled me back up to him so he could kiss me.

"I have to get to the gym soon. I have another fight in two days."

As he said this I ran my hand over one of his fresh scars. The one by his eye that he had gotten in the last fight.

"Why do you fight?" I felt his body tense when I asked that.

"It's hard to say." He was putting his walls up again. I nodded my head and got up taking the sheets with me.

"Georgia." He sighed but I didn't listen. I walked into the bathroom and put the bath on. I got in and let the hot water make me feel better.

I felt a body slide in behind me and I knew it was him. I didn't look back to him and I grabbed the shampoo.

He took it out of my hands and put it down.

"Georgia believe me I will tell you one day. I just need time." He kissed my cheek and pulled me to him.

"Promise." I said softly. He brought his hand in front and put his pinky finger out and I smiled taking it in mine.

"I promise that I will tell you."

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