chapter 4

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*chapter 4*

Lauren’s POV

After both of us finished our burgers I attempted to start a conversation with him.

“So what is this date type thing all about??” I ask him out of curiosity.

“Y-you think it’s a date?” he replied nervously.

“Um well it kind of feels like it, you know you can admit it if it is, I do kinda like you, I m-mean this place.” I said completely embarrassed.

“What was that? Did you say you kinda like me?!?” he replied grinning.

“Uh I um I guess I do a little.” I whispered with my face heating up.

“Oh thank god I thought you would never say that!” he replied almost screaming.

“Why are you so happy I said I had feelings for you?” I asked.

“Well you see ever since I saw you at the bus stop I felt a connection between us, but I didn’t feel as though you felt the same way but apparently you do. So I’m a happy guy now!” He said with pleasure.

*1 hour later after the conversation*

“So I guess I will see you tomorrow a school then?” I said with a bit too much excitement.

“Cya tomorrow Loza!”  He said while smiling and winking at me.



As I was walking home I was thinking about all the events that had occurred in such a little time frame. I found out a guy likes me, I found out that I have feelings for him and we both have a lot in common especially when it comes to  food.

He is so cute I mean who wouldn’t like a guy with messy blond hair and blue eyes, and I mean who couldn’t look at that ass!! It was so cute, I mean he is cute, no he’s perfect!! He is all I want in a guy.

Once I got home I went straight to my bed room to start my homework, but I couldn’t focus, I kept thinking about all the things that had just happened to me.

Lost in love|| Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now