The Ending: What happened to Offred?

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If you have read the book, then you know how frustrating the open end is. All we get is Offred going into the Gilead truck and being driven away. We don't get a concrete ending.

My theory is Nick betrayed her and turned her over to Gilead. The ending happens all in one day and a lot happens in that one day. First Offred gets a new shopping partner, a new Ofglen. We find out that the original Ofglen killed herself offscreen so she couldn't be taken in by Gilead. Someone found out about her secret and when the Gilead police showed up, she's dead. That same day the ominous Gilead truck shows up at Offred's, and who else but Nick is with them. He tells her that everything is ok and that they're going beyond the wall. For me the fact that original Ofglen and Offred are visited by the Eyes is suspicious in itself.

Let's take a look at Nick's character; nothing he does or says even indicates that he's for or against Gilead. Yeah he and Offred sleep together, but that doesn't automatically mean that he loves her or wants to help her. Nick has nothing to lose and everything to gain from ratting on Offred. He could move up in society and maybe even get a Handmaid. What does he have to lose? Well he's pretty much a butler nanny who works for his Commander. In all of the times we see Nick, he's either washing the car or covering the commander's ass. No real status or benefits other than not being a woman in Gilead. What does he have to gain? Well in favor for ratting on an underground rebellion, he could get a real house, a wife, a Handmaid, his own butler nanny to wash his car, and literally live in the most privileged position in Gildead.

I understand somewhat why Offred told Nick everything. It's been years since Offred had any intimate contact with another person. When I use the intimacy I mean both physically and emotionally. She's felt alone and isolated in Gilead; no one to truly confide in and be comforted by. When she and Nick hook up and perform a passionate act, she falls apart and forgets herself. I don't blame her for sharing everything, it was probably very cathartic for her. However that doesn't mean Nick feels the same way.

The timing is also suspicious, I mean just a few days after Offred shared her secrets about Ofglen with Nick; Ofglen kills herself when the Eyes show up and the Eyes show up at Offred's the exact same day.

I don't know maybe I'm just really pessimistic. Comment your thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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