That Night (UsUk) Chapter 17

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Arthur's POV:

Beep. Beep. Beep. I wake up to the sound of the alarm clock going off over and over. I groaned and reached over turn it off and to see the time.

"Oh, shit! Alfred! Get your lazy arse up now! We are late for the meeting!" I yelled nearly pushing Alfred off the bed. Alfred sits up fast seeing the time and we both rushed to get dressed and out of the door.

"Hey, Alfred, what are we going to do at the meeting? Does everyone know?".

"I really don't know. I'm not really worried about that at this moment. I'm worried about being late." Alfred said as he drove faster trying to make it.

We raced down the hall and into the meeting room hoping that the meeting has not started yet.

As soon as we come into the room all we received was silence and stares... We both sat down in two empty chairs beside eachother.

"Umm, so are we late at all?" Alfred asks. " No, your fine. We have not started the meeting yet due to useless chatter and arguing." Ludwig replied.

"Okay, now can we please start this meeting now that Arthur and Alfred are here?" Ludwig asks as everyone starts to get quiet.

Then the meeting begans and one by one everyone talks about how everything has been and the world problems until it was time for us two to speak.

"Well, everything has been doing just fine now that I finally have my life all together and my country has had no major problems, but thats not what I was really here to tell you about. Umm. Well, Alfred and I are now together." I said nervously as all the countries looked at me.

"Really?Awwww how cute~!" Feliciano cheered happily. "Well, congratulations! I am so happy for you!" Tino replied.

"Wait, so you all are not shocked?" Alfred asked. I was really expecting a different reaction. "No, we don't judge. And your not the only ones promise me." Ludwig said putting his arm around Feliciano.

"Ohonhonhonhon~ So, how long have you two love birds have been together?" Francis asked.

Then we both explained everything that happened to us from beginning to end.

"Wow That's horrible how you were both taken away like that." Kiku said. "Well, I am glad that you two are together again. I don't know what I would do without my wife." Berwald said as he held Tino close.

"I am so thankful for not being the only one and for having awesome friends that don't judge." Alfred smiled. " Okay, well that would be all for the meeting. Meeting dismissed." Ludwig said as everyone began to leave.

As Alfred and I walked down the hallway we were stopped by Matthew and Gilbert. "Hey, bro. What's up?" Alfred asked Matthew. "Well, umm I have been wanting to tell you something."

"Yea, what is it?". "Well, me and Gilbert are also together. I tried to find a way to tell you and this seemed to be the best time."

"Oh ok. Well, I am happy for you bro! " Alfred smiled. " Hey, birdie~ We have to go or we are going to miss the movie." Gilbert said to Matthew.

"Well, take care!" Matthew said as him and Gilbert raced down the hallway. I grinned as I saw them laughing and headed their way out.

"They make a cute couple." I said as I wrapped my arm around Alfred's. "Yea, Im glad that everyone took that very well and happy for my little bro." Alfred smiled once more. "Yea, me too." I said as we headed our way back home.

Omg guys! All there is left is the Epilouge! I hope you all have enjoyed this book! And I promise you that you will love the Epilouge! Thanks for reading and voting! ~Mama Eevee (Nichole Moore)

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