Part 3

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Raman arrived in Chennai early Tuesday. He caught a cab to his hotel. He debated about going and seeing Ishita right away, but tiredness was catching up with him. Raman knew if he didn't get a little sleep he'd be feeling irritable when he got to Paatti's flat and that would just make any conversation more difficult. Mihir's advice had been pretty clear. "Don't fight with her. Just tell her you're sorry and buy her some jewelry. That always works for me" Raman had to smile about his words... After several hours of uninterrupted sleep and a hot shower Raman ventured out to Paatti 's flat. After knocking several times it was clear that no one was home.
"Aunty and Ishita Didi went out already" Raman turned to the voice coming from behind him. It was teenage girl with  a free top and a short pants pushing a bicycle towards the building's front door. "Do you know when they might be back?" He asked. "no, but then I usually see one or both of them coming in about 5 o'clock most days" The girl pushed her bike out the door and down the stairs and Raman watched her ride down off down the block "I swear," Raman thought "if I ever have a daughter she will never be allowed to wear such clothes" Since 5 o'clock was several hours away Raman decided to find something to eat. He found a small restaurant and had lunch then wandered the city a little. Finally shortly after five he went back to Paatti 's flat.
Paatti rowned at him when she opened the door. "She's not here." "I know she was here. Can you tell me where she went and when she might be back?" Raman asked. Paatti sighed before answering "Ishita went out for the evening. And no, I'm not saying where." Raman persisted "But she will be back?" "Yes, she will be back. She's been staying with me for now." Raman breathed a huge sigh of relief. He'd been half afraid that she might do something crazy and run back to her uncle and the rest of her crazy family. He knew that her uncle did not like him and would use every opportunity to bring her along with someone else, but he also knew that his Ishita was not like that "Do you know when she's coming back?"
"No," said Paatti"but it should be in a couple hours. I'd let you wait here but I'm on my way out. I'm on a late train to Salem". Raman noticed she had a small suitcase with her. "Alright I'll just wait." Raman took the suitcase from Paatti and helped get her a cab. After that there was nothing to do but wait some more. There was a small cafe across the street and Raman went there for a while then went back to sit on the front stoop. After sitting there for a while and people watching, Raman spotted a cab pull up to the curb. His heart started to pound a little as Ishita stepped out of the back seat. She turned to reach back to pay the cabbie and Raman decided he better do something quickly before she spotted him and made a run for it. He grabbed some money out of his pocket and moving quickly reached around Ishita and handed money thru of open window. "Let me take care of that"

Startled Ishita turned and for the first time in 3 month Raman found himself staring at the most beautiful face in the world.

To be continued...

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