

"A true beast."

I had always heard the rumors of him but never seen him, or any other man for that matter.

Our kingdom was near the Yuuei who established peaceful terms with us.

The Yuuei was the strongest kingdom but also had a great King by the name of All Might.

"Enough! Anyways I've collected you here today to address the issue of The League of Villains."

"The terrorist group?"

I had heard of the League, apparently it only formed more recently and a lot of mystery surrounds it.

Their an extremist/terrorist group that has members scattered throughout multiple countries.

Their goal is to usurp the local regiments and country government for their own greedy desires.

"We believe there are spies here from the League."

I thought of one particular person.


Freaky and sketchy, she gives off a bad vibe.

The meeting dragged on and I slipped out to my favorite hideaway.

A cliff above the roaring sea below.

What was beyond?

In this world there is magic.

Of the population about 40% have magic but the numbers continue to grow.

Each person has a specific magic that they excel in.

It's not to say they can't perform other forms of magic they'll just be significantly weaker.

Even though Amazon Lily mainly utilizes hand held weapons that doesn't mean a good majority of us don't have magic.

It's almost rare to not have magic here the whole island thrives on it after all.

Except for me apparently.

I let out a sad sigh.

I want to explore what's beyond.

Day turned to night and the stars were out.

I counted them until I dozed off.


Lots and lots of smoke.

The forest, the island was burning!

The full- moon provided my only light.

I was running until I saw big shadows race by.

I looked up to see the beautiful torturous beasts.


I ran faster.

It was burning, everything.

Children ran and hid.

The warriors fought viciously against the beasts.

Nets were launched and screams filled the air.

Blood but I had yet to see any dead bodies.

Just what were they after?

The dragons flew away with the nets leaving the village.

I chased after them willing my feet to move faster.

Willing myself to go after them.

I dropped the extra weapons leaving myself with a dagger so I could run faster.

Stranger to the OutsideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ