Chapter 15 - Upset

Start from the beginning

"All of these doors are our bedrooms. All until the end of this hallway."

We passed by many double doors until we reached the third to the very end. We halted in front of light blue colored doors and Baekhyun pointed at it.

Ooooh! My favorite color! I hope this is Heeji's room!

"This is Chanyeol's room."

My face immediately turned into a blank expression after hearing what Baekhyun told me. I looked at the side of the door and saw Chanyeol's name carved into a silver-like plate.

He continued walking and I just followed.

I really hoped that room is mine. I bet you guys already know why, right?

We stopped in front of another double door which is just plain white but with a grayish-brown flower prints on it. I looked at the silver plate and like what I had expected, it had the name Heeji on it.

Everytime I encounter her name it makes me really want to meet her.

"This is your room."

"You meant Heeji's."

He just slightly rolled his eyes then continued to speak. "Those doors across yours are Xiumin hyung's doors and the one beside him is Tao's and Kyungsoo's. These doors next to your room is mine," he pointed out and I just nodded. "Now go take a shower and change into anything comfortable you will find. Heeji's closet and bathroom is inside room and everything you will need is already in there. Be back downstairs for dinner, alright?"

"Okay. Thank you, Baekhyun oppa."

"Just call me when you need me alright?" I nodded. "I will head inside now."

I watch him open the doors of his room. He took a short glance at me before completely entering and shutting the door behind him.

I took in a deep breath and held the door knobs and pushed it open.

I roamed my eyes around the room

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I roamed my eyes around the room. At every spot in the room, you can do different things.

The room is actually pretty big. If this is the smallest, how big could the other rooms be?? Wow... The colors were simple yet everything looked really luxurious elegant.

I walked around the room and roamed my eyes around more. My heart leapt in joy when I found a part of the room where there is a tall bookshelf with a moveable ladder attached on it. I know I am not allowed to touch that much stuffs because these aren't really mine... But they are tempting. Maybe I should ask Baekhyun for permission later.

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