Chapter Two

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I sat in front of my vanity brushing my tailbone length black straight hair. I had just gotten out of the shower and dressed and was now deciding what to do with my hair. At the end I just decided to put it in a ponytail.

Should I do makeup? I looked at my reflection in the mirror of my vanity.

I had very tan skin, a result from my very pale dad and light brown mom Indian mom. My eyes were vibrant green in color, inherited from Dad. At the end I just decided to put on some winged eyeliner, which took like 10 minutes because let's be honest it's hard. Along with some mascara and lip gloss.

There was a knock on my door and I distractedly said "come in" as I was finishing up putting on the lip gloss.

"Are you done caking up your face with makeup?" I heard my brothers voice ask.

I jumped up from my chair

"Xavier!" I screamed excitedly running up to his arms "I missed you"

Xavier is the middle child, and he was away at college studying to be a lawyer. Apparently, mom's persuasion skills were stronger than I imagined and she made him come home for the weekend.

He laughed at my excitement

Xavier at 6'0 feet he was pure muscle and towered over my 5'3 frame. He also had green eyes and black straight hair which was cut short. We could say he was the partier of the family, and had girls swooning over his looks.

When it came to me though he was extremely overprotective and I could award him with the prize of being the reason that at 19 I have not had my first boyfriend, he thought I was still too young and scared all the boys away.

"Don't let it get to your head" I said after he started looking cocky

Suddenly we heard the sound of the doorbell. We looked at each other and he grabbed my hand and said "let's go before mom has our head"

I reluctantly let him tug me along and tried to calm my nerves.

When we got to the living room we saw Maria and mom hugging and squealing like school girls, while dad and Maria's husband Santiago greeted each other in a calmer manner.

As I looked behind them my heart stopped for a few seconds, there stood Sebastian who looked breathtakingly beautiful and dare I say hot in some black ripped jeans and army green T-shirt which accentuated his toned arms and abs. I blushed and looked away from that direction. He looked uncomfortable and out of place behind our crazy parents and he soon came over to where my brother and I were standing. Xavier and Sebastian were pretty good friends and they gave each other a man hug.

"Hey man how are you" said Sebastian his voice smooth like honey.

"Great and you" said Xavier smiling

"Good" Sebastian looked over at me with those rich brown eyes and I tried to remember how to breathe.

"Saira" was the only thing he said before his strong arms embraced me. I almost melted right there and then.

My brother was looking at us so I cleared my throat and said

"Hi Sebastian long time no see"

He let go of me "You're taller than I remembered" he said jokingly and I glared at him and my brother making them burst out laughing.

I had actually not grown an inch and the top of my head barely reached his chin.

"Shut up" I said and what he did next had me hyperventilating he winked and walked away as if nothing.

Destino - Sebastian Yatra Love storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu