妈妈 Part 3

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After relaxing in the bath Hyungwon helped me dress than I headed to the dining hall for breakfast. Once I arrived I saw that everyone was seated except for me. I than hurried to my seat that was beside Sehun's top ranking concubine Pil Seojin or as everyone calls him Lady Bii but I call him Bii gege.  Once I take my seat the servants start to bring out the food. "Your late today" Bii says as he starts to take his food. "I had complications this morning" I told him as I to got my food. "You know how much that angers Sehunnie," he said as he put some rice on my plate. I just gave him a smile and finished getting my food than started to eat. 

After a while, I was finished and I kept seated for Sehun to finish so I could go. It was courtesy towards the Emperor. Finally, after a couple of minutes, Sehun finished so I was about to get up to go to my room when Sehun stopped me. "Jian stop," he said as he got up and walked over to me. I then stood up straight and bowed to him as I looked him in the eyes as a sign of respect. "I want to talk to you, come with me," he said as he started to walk towards his private study. I followed after and we soon arrive at his study. "What do you need your highness?" I said as I stood in front of his desk as he took a seat at it. "I have a request for you Jian," he said as he pulled a piece of paper out of a drawer of his desk. "I was asked of to make an alliance with another state," he said as he handed me the paper. I then read the paper that turned out to be a letter from another kingdom asking for the Xi State to become one of their ally's. 

"What do you need me to do?" I asked him after briefly scanning the paper. "I came up with an alternative from a treaty and that is marriage" my eyes than widen marriage? 

"And what about this marriage do you need me for?" I asked. Sehun than smirked at me then continued "you shall be the bride" he said. "The bride? "But I am not related to you so it would not be a valid marriage agreement" he then raised his hand to quiet me. "You are my adopted son, which makes you the adopted Prince of Xi state. Plus Hua is the only other one I could marry off but he is only 1" I just stayed quiet and nodded. 

I am being married off to a kingdom as my stepfather's treaty as an ally to that kingdom. 

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