Believe in Me- Chapter 18: Are You Really Safe?

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Sorry for the very short chapter but there's nothing much to write. Hopefully they'll get longer! But thank you for reading! :)


Sherlock had been silent ever since Kate Moriarty's departure from the flat yesterday. John and Flora seemed worried about how quiet Sherlock was, as he was never usually like this. The detective lay on the sofa with his hands underneath his chin in his thinking pose, staring up at the ceiling unblinking.
"Sherlock, are you okay?" John asked.
"Sherlock?" He repeated. After getting no reply, John sighed with annoyance and went to sit down with a warm mug of tea in between his hands to warm them up.
One Moriarty was bad enough, but two? Not possible. Obviously Kate couldn't have been so evil from day one. She must have picked things up from Jim. With Kate helping him, there's going to be trouble. Big trouble. No doubt they a master plan hidden somewhere.
"Sherlock, your phones been ringing for ages now. Would you please answer it?"
Sherlock's gaze left the ceiling and focused on Flora who was stood holding out his phone.
"What?" Sherlock said lazily.
"We need you to come over." It was Lestrade.
"Who's we?"
"Don't get smart," he said. "There's been another murder. Come to Black Prince Road and we'll meet you there." Lestrade hung up.
"Who was that?" John asked.
"Lestrade," replied Sherlock getting up off the sofa and walking over the door where his coat and scarf were hung up. "There's been another murder."
"Shall I come?" John requested putting his mug down.
"Yes, yes," Sherlock said hurriedly slipping his coat on.
"What about me?" Flora asked Sherlock.
"Stay here," he answered. "Mrs Hudson will keep you safe."
"Safe from wh-."
"For me." A glint of guilt in his eyes. Truth was, Sherlock was thinking about Kate's note. She's next.
Flora paused for a brief second and sighed. "Fine."
"Thank you."
And with that Sherlock and John left immediately out of the warm flat and into the white, snow covered street. Flora was left stood by the desk and the room was sent into silence. Until there was a knock on the door.
"Are you alright dear?" It was Mrs Hudson. "Where's Sherlock and John?"
"They've gone off on a case," Flora replied. "Sherlock insisted I stayed here."
"He's right. You don't want to get too wound up in what they do," Mrs Hudson informed her. "It's dangerous out there. I've experienced some awful things..."
"At least you're safe now," Flora assured her.
"I was wondering if you'd like some tea?" Mrs Hudson asked, quickly changing the subject.
"Yes please," she replied. "Get one for yourself, you need a break."
"Thank you, dear. I'm far too busy at the moment and I'll bring your tea up in a bit." Then the landlady left and came back 10 minutes later, lying the cup of the coffee table.
"Thank you, Mrs Hudson," Flora smiled.
"My pleasure," she smiled back and then exited the room to go down to her own flat.
Now Flora could finally relax with a warm mug of tea to heat up the coldness in the room. Though the temperature warmed up, the atmosphere didn't. Flora felt tense and couldn't relax, she felt as if somebody was watching her. And indeed there was.
"We finally have a chance to meet, Miss Grey. Are you really safe in my hands?"

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