Chapter eight-Is love still overrated?

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He just sighed and followed after me,

"I was thinking of painting the room black" he says out of no where,
We had swapped sleeping positions, even to his protests I slept on the couch I felt bad that I was on the bed even when he was pissed off at me.

"Sure Whatever man,"

A few minutes past as we were walking,

"I noticed you haven't fucked anyone in a while" I say out of the blue why did I just say that?

He smirked,

"Why, were you bothered when I did?"

"Shut up, as if"

I went to cross the road when he grabbed my wrist stopping me from getting hit by a car that sped down the road,


"You need to focus on your surroundings idiot,"

I frowned eyebrows furrowing together, why was it bothering me him calling me names? I felt like I didn't want to disappoint him,


"Why are you sorry?"

"I didn't mean to-"

"It's not your fault that the car was speeding," he sighed

That just made me feel even dumber,

"Now that I think about it Jungkook i might go home-"

"No, so you can hurt yourself more by accident? Your sticking with me"

I felt his grip tighten on my wrist but he made sure he wasn't hurting me as he kept glancing back as we continued the walk into school, class had already started,

I walked in, the same teacher I had just insulted a week ago, I smirked.

"Your both late."

"No shit Sherlock" I saw Jimin look up and smile he wasn't in his usual seat he was sat next to...Yoongi, I smiled knowing he was gonna be happy,


"Is a thing we speak?" I responded as I sat down having Jungkook smiling his head off,

"If your going to be like that leave the class."

"Awh but sir I just entered" I pouted,

"Yeah well, shut up then."

"Rude" I muttered, Jungkook now laughing his head off,

"So Taehyung is this the newest kid your gonna lead on?" The teacher asked that riled me up,

"I think you'll find sir that's none of your business? And your wrong have you not heard of this boy's reputation?" I scoffed

Having Jungkook poke me in the side, I smirked.

"So sir, where's the lucky man you've been cheating on your wife with?" The class started to laugh,

Love Is Overrated (TAEKOOK)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ