Dating Kylo (headcannon)

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• comforting him after a stressful day at work so he didn't pull out his lightsaber and slash everything to pieces like he normally would if you weren't around.

• long hugs

• kylo constantly forgetting to remove his mask, so you have to remind him.

• him visiting you at your department of work all the time. Sometimes, he would even excuse your duties to spend time with him, if they weren't too important of course.

• kylo being shy at the beginning of the relationship because he hasn't ever been in love with anyone before. 

• teaching him how to make cookies. And then the next day, he brings smiley cookies to the workfloor that everyone falls in love with. This makes him extra proud and can't wait to tell you after work.

• him training you how to use a lightsaber and defend yourself just incase something were to happen when he wasn't around. He prayed that you would never have to defend yourself alone.

• you braiding his hair so it wouldn't get in his face. He would practically beg you every other day.

• cuddles. Lots and lots of cuddles. Daily.

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