s e v e n t e e n

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-Hermione Granger-

I sit with Theo and Bash and they smile widely at me.

"I'm here"

"I know" Theo rolls his eyes and laughs. "I see you"

"I know" I say in a goofy voice and stick out my tongue. "What'd you want to talk about?"

Both of the boys look at each other with calm smiles places upon their lips.

"You say it"

"No you say it" they banter back and forth and I groan.

"Someone just say it"

They both laugh and turn to me.

"We're engaged" Theo blurts out and Sebastian has this proud look on his face. I gape at the two and smile widely.

"Really?! Who popped the question?!"

They both laugh joyfully and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"We asked at the same time" Sebastian says.

"Really" I raise my eyebrows. What's the fuckin chance.

"Yes" they both say at the same time.

"That's lit!!"

"Ok I have a question for you now babes" Theo says, grabbing my hand with his free one.


"Do you want to be my maid of honor" Theo has hopeful eyes and I gape at him again.

"Is that even a question. OF COURSE" I shout but then slam my free hand over my mouth, realizing im still in a restaurant.

-Later That Day-

I check my phone again.

Still no messages from Draco.

I frown and shove my face back into my pillow. I don't want to text him first, I don't want to interrupt whatever is so important that he decided not to stay with me last night.

I roll my eyes and hold back tears that want to fall. We just said that we love each other.

And I meant it.

I don't know if he just said that to save his ass but I know I meant it.

I do love him. The little bit of him I have seen, I love. And I know there is still more I need to see but that's just going to make me love him more.

"Mione?" I hear my brothers muffled voice from the other side of the door while he knocks on it.

"M-one minuets please" I say, hiding my stuffy voice and sitting up, wiping my eyes and straightening up my clothes.

I climb off of my bed and open the door. Xander is standing there with a cup of hot chocolate and he hands it to me.

"I can tell when you're upset. Talk to me whenever you want" he kisses the top of my head and I frown with a nod.

"I know" my voice is weak and he kisses my forehead one more time before walking away. I shut my door and walk back to my bed, sitting down and taking a long drink of the warm hot cocoa.

I set it on the table and lay down, curling myself up into a ball. Not wanting to feel. But doing it anyway. Remember, you aren't the type to give up.

-a few hours later-

I yawn as I sit up out of bed.

I napped. Fucking great. Now I won't be able to sleep again.

I look over to my alarm clock that says 2:46 am on it. I mentally curse myself and climb out of bed, and into my bathroom.

I turn on the bath tub and let it run while I add some purple colored bubble bath into it.

I start to undress when my phone dings.

And you'll never guess who it is...Draco.

I purse my lips and roll my eyes. Wow, at two am you finally text me. Not even a call, a text.


I want to say no but I want to talk to him. So I say sure..

I bite my lip and look to the bath.

I'm taking a bath i text, deciding to inform him.

I'm the only one that has seen you tonight right?


No one else has seen you naked?

I laugh and shake my head as I climb into the tub.

Yes, you will be the only one

I should be mad at him for not talking to me all day and then suddenly deciding to text me in the middle of the night and being possessive. I love that he cares about me and only wants me to be his but he only has the right to do that when he acts like he cares about me.

My phone starts to ring, breaking my thoughts and I open up the call. Instantly I see his face, messy hair and tired eyes.

"You look sleepy? Are you ok?" I ask him. His head is against the wall of his bedroom, I know because of the color, it's the only room with that color.

"Yeah...I'm good"

I give him a doubting look and he sighs.

"I just had a long day babe"

"Oh, what did you do?" I ask, wanting to get information on it.

"I had a meeting with my family business that lasted and while fucking 3 hours and then I had a meeting with the mafia-"

"Wait!" I stop him right there and he raises his eyebrows, realizing what he just said. "You met with the bloody mafia?!"

"Ok, yeah, it sounds bad..." he starts to explain. "When I didnt, you know, feel...I sort of kind of made like I don't know? Friends? Allies? With the mafia and they kind of consider me one of them"

I gape at him and he shrugs.

"An this doesn't bother you?!"

"Not really, they don't make me do anything" he shrugs again and I huff.

"What if they make you?! Draco! What if they want you to kill someone!"

"Baby, I'll be fine. I swear" I groan and lean my head back into the towel I have folded for a head rest.

"I swear if-"

"Calm down" He coos and I do, even when he's not hear in person he some how has control over me. "I will be ok, i guarantee it"

I nod and turn off the water with my feet, since it's 70% full.

Some people like it higher but I don't, I feel like someone could drown me in it. Ever since I was little I had a fear of drowning while taking a bath.

It's stupid, but it's real.

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