Death Fart Swamp

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We all started moving along and it really didn't seem nothing bad was going on so far.

Some of us were having trouble breathing and especially Naomi. I don't entirely know what, but Naomi was covering her nose the entire time. Everyone else didn't think the smell wasn't so bad. I myself could stand at least a little bit. Tsuyoshi said that he could sense lots of energy that he feels he could absorb. I focused way more just in case because that could mean a very bad sign. Tsuyoshi was absorbing the darkness around him. I got curious somewhat.

"Could this forest be only of dark matter and darkness energy itself? I wondered in my head.

I was thinking and I did have a problem because everyone, but Tsuyoshi couldn't stand the smell and energy any longer. I was feeling dizzy and weak. I wasn't sure if it was me because I wasn't fully completely healed or if it's the climate of the forest.

Naomi however was holding onto Kenji and Misaki's shoulder and her eyes were closed. She was breathing, but still why was her body waving side to side a little?

"Why did they call this place Death Fart Swamp exactly?" Tsuyoshi asked out of the curiosity.

THUD! A loud thud comes behind. Naomi had collapsed. Everyone started freaking out.


We all ran to that light that was to be the exit. Everyone were being slowed down because of the energy of the forest was trying to keep us as its prisoner. Tsuyoshi didn't seem to have any problems so I didn't worry as much on him and focused on everyone else.

We left the forest and met up to a water fountain. It was a fountain with a cat figure. I remember seeing this particular cat and I've read a little about it too.

"Where's Sumiko!?" Chinatsu yelled and freaked out.

Tsuyoshi started freaking out. "We have to find her," said Tsuyoshi.

I ran to the forest again. I heard everyone scream no, but I was already back in the forest. I ran with lightning speed and looked for Sumiko. I found Sumiko tied up in vines. I cut her loose and made a run to the light. My vision was getting blurry and I was starting to lose sight of the light. I all of a sudden saw a figure glowing light. It was Hisoka and he said, "Hurry!"

I made it back in time and everyone was exhausted. Kenji was crying and freaking out. My eyes opened and I ran to him with Naomi laying there. I checked her temperature. She was blazing hot and we needed water to cool her off. Misaki came over and Tsuyoshi came along. Misaki got water from the fountain and started trying to cool off Naomi's forehead. I was curious with what Tsuyoshi was doing. Tsuyoshi started hovering his hand above Naomi's body, her feet to her head. He pulled out glimpse of darkness from her body and disintegrate it. Naomi was breathing again. Misaki went to get more water and Tsuyoshi went to do the same thing to Sumiko. I ran to Sumiko with water and put a rag from the campsite on her head. I told Tsuyoshi to keep an eye on her very quick, while I go and check the others. I wasn't sensing any danger from everyone else. I looked at Hisoka and told him he did something that was very courageous and brave. He thanked me for the words and moved along to checking everyone else. We had to get to a safe point, which was a nearby not far campsite.

We all began to move. We saw the campsite so we speed up the pace to get their quickly. When we arrived, we all settled down and started resting up. I stood up checking on everyone's status. Tomohiro and Chinatsu were checking on Sumiko. Tsuyoshi, Hisoka, Misaki and Kenji went to checking on Naomi. Tsuyoshi went to also check on Sumiko. I understand that everyone is scared at this point because I am scared too from this point. I think it is a odd think, but fear is a part of our lives. Fear can also be a motivation to beat it. Some things could be beat, some can't. Those things can always be a bad sign and good sign. Take this as a learning experience. Hisoka and Misaki were very tired. Misaki and Tsuyoshi have been given credit for the day. They worked very hard and earn a rest. Same goes for Hisoka. Actually everyone did great today. Kenji and I were still up. Kenji sat beside Naomi and was cooling her head off with the rag I used today. I didn't say anything and left Kenji be. I sat near the fire and started thinking to myself. Tsuyoshi was awake. Kenji wanted to have a walk and I didn't mind coming along. Tsuyoshi didn't mind keeping watch, so we went for a walk. Kenji asked me something and I didn't know how to say it to him.

"Have you ever fell in love with someone before, I mean like with or without your memories?" Kenji asked.

"I-I don't know, in my past life with my memories, I probably did, but it is a ½ that I did and didn't," I replied.

Kenji nodded and we continued having a conversation.

From what I've heard, Kenji and Naomi are really good friends. They probably knew each other before. The conversation continued, but I had to interrupt Kenji. I saw red blood on trees. I see skeletons that looked like a 1000 years old and were possibly human. I wasn't sure of this place we were walking in. The setting of the forest didn't make sense. The forest was all peaceful. There didn't feel there were any signs of death here at all. But here there is blood. I saw arrows and it wasn't pretty looking arrows either. The arrows were humungus. The arrows were literally the size of my arm, if not longer and bigger. The skeleton on the ground had a huge arrow right in the chest, right through it too. I told Kenji that we should investigate and clear the area so we can cross the passage safely when coming here with the others. Kenji was uncertain, but he agreed.

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