Sherry x Gin

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Ai/Sherry Pov.:

Sweat-bathed and with beating hearts, I wake up from the sleep. Like almost every night, I had dreamed of my sister or him. For outsiders, that may sound harmless, but for me it has always been nightmares. This time I had dreamed of him again. Him my first love, but what am I thinking? He was my only one. Since then, I have not fallen in love again and even though my feelings for him in these times could mean my death, I still could not forget him. I loved to remember our time back together. Back when my world was still alright, when I was working in the BO.


I was 17 when I got a new minder. They changed very often, but this time it should be longer. As always, I was working in my lab when the door swung open and a man with long white-blond hair entered the room. That was the first time I saw Gin. He introduced himself and sat down on a chair in the corner, where he had a good view of me. Shrugging, I returned to my work and experimented on. It had now been two months and I had gotten used to my new caregiver. Although he always had a cold look and spoke only the most necessary, but somehow I liked him. I had even come so far that he talked to me from time to time. Like every other day we were in the lab. I did my tests and Gin dozed on the chair. But what I had never expected was that some idiot had leaned the round-bottomed flask on a stand only. When I easily came against it, he rolled away and fell over. He tore another piston with it and the chemicals began to mix. Staring in shock, the only thing I did was to utter a sharp scream and close my eyes in anticipation of the explosion. I already felt smoke and heat develop, but before it went up, two strong arms grabbed me and took me out of the room. The only thing I still noticed was the loud bang of the explosion and the face of my saviour, then I fainted.

When I woke up, I lay in a bed in the sickroom. I turned my head to the side and looked into Gin's face. Right he had saved me. Surprised I realized that he looked at me worried. When he asked me how I was, it had happened to me. I had noticed before that I felt more for him but now that I was able to peek behind his facade, I was sure. I loved him and would try everything to get closer to him. After I was allowed to leave the sickroom, I spent even more time than usual with Gin. And my trouble paid off. We talked normally and he even dropped his cold mask towards me. Feelings of emotion were still very rare with him, but we understood each other brilliantly. On my eighteenth birthday he gave me a pistol from which flowers came. I loved the idea and hugged him for it. One week later, it was the day when they murdered my sister. I was blind with pain and just wanted to get away. But they caught me again. I will never forget Gin's disappointed look. But more hurt his words as he pushed me into the cell. With his cold gaze, he said: "You will regret having betrayed our trust, you are not worth living on and you will continue to live here until the end of your life!" That was the moment when my heart broke in two. When he was gone, I was thinking that life was no longer worth living because my sister's death and my great love hated me. So I took the APTX-4869. Everyone knows the rest.

Again in the now:

After tearing away from my memories, I got dressed and made my way to the city. I still had to buy some food.

On the way back to the professor's house I had to walk along a side street from which many dark streets went off. Here, you usually met nobody and therefore I hated the way. Suddenly I had the feeling to be followed and as the feeling of the BO was mixed with that, I started to panic. I took a step faster to get to the main road as soon as possible, but when I heard the click of a gun beside me, I stopped. The voice that commanded me to go into the dark alley was cold on my back. The voice belonged to none other than Gin! When I turned around, he stood in front of me with his gun raised, his typical killer grin on his face. "Hello, sherry. It has not been that easy to find you in this shape for a while. But now you will pay for your betrayal and hopefully confess your mistake. "Gin chuck at her. That was too much, all memories and nightmares collapsed on me. I could no longer hold back my tears and shouted tearfully at him: "No, I do not regret that I betrayed the BO! The only thing I regret is to have disappointed you. I remember exactly what you threw at me there in the cell! That broke my heart. At this time I just wanted to die. There was nothing worth living on! „Still, tears ran down my face as Gin sings the gun and asks me how I mean that. Without thinking, I scream at him: "Damn what you do not understand! I loved you and still love you!!! "Now he looks at me totally surprised and overwhelmed. Now it is out. No matter what would happen now, I would at least die knowing that I had revealed my feelings to him and that was enough for me. I lowered my eyes and waited for the deadly shot from him, but instead he pulled me into a hug. Now it was me who is confused, but I returned the hug. After a short time, he gently pushed me away and wiped away one of my tears. When he started to explain that I was the only one at this time when he had felt comfortable and even dropped his mask and that my betrayal had hit him very hard, I listened to him in astonishment. After a short hesitation, he added that he had a different feeling with me than with any other, but never could assign it. But now he thought he knew what it was. He took a deep breath and said, "I love you too". Carefully, he put a hand on my cheek and we slowly approached until we kissed. That was the best moment in my life and now that we were together, I was sure everything would get better.

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