Band au but different

Start from the beginning

"How old are you?" The guy asked,

"I'm 19--"

"I'm 23."

"Holy fuu--"

Tord was cut off when he coughed in surprise, basically chocking on his own saliva. The guy chuckled in a witty way, catching Tord's attention and making his heart beat fast. Tord had never met a guy who is shorter than him but is older than him before. It really took him by surprise.

"Well see ya." The guy finished before walking pass Tord in a rush.

Tord stared out of existence before he heard an announcement that the Battle of the bands will begin shortly. So he went back to what he was supposed to do, still thinking about the guy.

"Does he have any business with someone here..? Or something.." Tord mumbled as he walked out from the restroom and walk back to his friends. Before he even got to his friends, he could already hear a song playing, meaning a band was already up on the stage.

Tord sprinted to where his Band was, where he could only see Paul but no sign of Patryk,

"Yo Tordle. Sup?" Paul greeted as he raised his hand in the air. Asking Tord for a high five which Tord gladly gave before laughing randomly,

"Where the hell have you been? Catching up with the ladies or something?" Paul teases as he claps his drumsticks together. Tord rolled his eyes as he searches for his other friend,

"Where's Patryk?--"

"Red Army, was it?" Someone interrupted, Tord whipped his head towards the familiar voice's direction and jolted up knowing it was from the guy he bumped into earlier,

"Yep, you got that right." Paul replied, tapping his drumsticks on a chair beside him. Tord watched as the guy started writing down on his notebook.
"Tom! See this guy right here?" Paul pulled Tord closer to him as he pointed at him,

"This is our Leader! Tord L. Larssean! Call him Red Leader." Paul introduced making Tord cough in surprise,


When guy finally looked up, he was met with Tord's gaze. Tord could only stare at the other guy's astonishing black eyes,

"Sup? The name's Thomas A. Ridgewall but please call me Tom, 'Red Leader'"

He greeted as he saluted to Tord playfully. Paul couldn't help but chuckle loudly, catching some other band's attention but they quickly went back to their business. Tord elbowed him fairly hard to shut him up, Tom giggles before raising his pen up, pointing at the two males,

"Anyways, you guys are up next." Tom said before turning away from them then started walking away, without hesitation Tord yelled:

"Right, after this, wanna hangout or something?" Tom, including everyone else in the backstage turned their heads to him and giggled, Paul, too started giggling while poking Tord with his drumsticks playfully. Tord took a second to realize what he had just said and then started panicking,


Tom smiled at him, "Yeah, sure." Tom mouthed to him before going back to what he was supposed to do. Then everyone just started 'OOOOHHH'-ing Tord. His cheeks flushed the tint of red,

"You know, Tom is 23 years old. Are you a ped--"

"Age is just a number, PAUL!" Tord retorted before turning away from his friend and smile. Paul chuckled before he takes off the cigarette from his mouth and hid it in his pocket,

"And Jail is just a room. I'm kidding. But it's true tho." Paul cooed before Patryk finally came back from.. who knows where.

"So we're coming in next after that band. They already settled up our instruments on the stag-- did I miss something?" Patryk asked making Tord feel more embarrassed and Paul look at Tord with a smirk,

"Paul, still remember Tom? Ya know? The stage manager or something?"

"Yeah? What about him?"

"Tord asked Tom out. And everyone heard it."


"I DIDN'T MEAN TO YELL!!!" Tord whispered, desperately trying not to yell. Patryk smirked at him, as he found Tord being this embarrassed quite cute before their band name was called right after the band that just performed started walking back into the backstage, covered in sweat.

"Red army! Your stage is already set up for you! You're up!" Tom yelled from the distance, Tord jolted up a bit as he started blushing again. This made Paul and Patryk chuckle,

"Looks like it's our time." Paul said before shrugging to himself, Tord stiffened as he nodded with a smile. They all let out a deep breath before they started walking. The other Band's started wishing them good luck as they make their way towards the stage.

"Hey, Tord."


"His place or ours? I mean not that it's a bad thing. We'll stay in the garage and play some music out loud so we won't hear you." Patryk teased,

"Pat, I swear to satan if I'm gonna mess this up because of you. You're so sorry."

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