six: so nice.

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The small bell tied to the top of the door jingled as Calum entered the small resturaunt. The outside read a name in Spanish he didn't quite understand, but if it was where Diana wanted to go he had no choice but to oblige.

"Since the food spoiled in the car because of our little detour," she said as they walked over to a small booth, Calum sliding into the side across from her. "I decided this place might work."

"And this place is?" Calum questioned raising an eyebrow. 

"Café Descanso, or relax cafe," she answered at which he simply nodded. "The sandwiches here are actually heavenly."

"Oh yeah?" Calum asked as he looked over the menu that appeared pretty limited to him, with only a few sandwiches and salads, but he was in no position to complain. "Is that the only reason you brought me here?" He inquired, genuinely curious.

"I bring all my human sacrifices here," She shrugged as Calum simply rolled his eyes with a small snort. He found himself relaxing for the first time in the past hour. "I just come here alone a lot.." Diana trailed off, her hands resting on the table as she glanced down at the menu. "Figured I should give coming here with someone else a try instead."

Calum's features noticeably softened at Diana's small confession, beginning to realize how isolated the girl before him existed. Whether that was by her own hand or everyone else's, he was not yet sure. "Well hopefully I don't fuck this up then," He half heartedly smiled, Diana looking over him before she returned the smile. 

"Yeah, hopefully," she responded. Calum stared at her, he didn't realize it but he was staring at her. He had been doing it on and off again ever since she offered to drive the car. He'd been raking his brain, running the idea through it over and over again, but he couldn't bring himself to understand why they would choose her. Why Diana? What detail about her was so glaring that they jumped at the decision of choosing her? And why did she have to be such a nice girl.

Diana looked up at Calum and noticed his stare, her eyebrows furrowing together before she gave a small, awkward chuckle. "What is it?" she asked. Calum blinked rapidly, realizing he was staring once again. The perfect opportunity to say something overused and cheesy presented itself to him. It was served on a silver platter. He could tell her she looked perfect, or that she was just so beautiful he couldn't help but stare, but his lips couldn't form the words and his voice didn't seem to work.

Diana was now staring, expecting an answer while Calum just looked anywhere but her. Maybe it was luck, but his savior presented himself just as Diana was about to speak again. The waiter walked up to the booth, a kind smile on his lips. "Welcome! I'm Troy and I'll be your server today. What can I get for you two to drink?" He asked politely. Calum somehow managed to find his voice again as he cleared his throat. 

"Uh, lemonade please," he muttered, Diana's gaze flickering over to him before she sighed softly.

"Same here," she nodded as Tony smiled and returned the nod, walking off to get their drinks. 

The two sat in what seemed like the fiftieth moment of awkward silence that evening. Calum felt like at this point he was the reason why there were so many. In truth he felt awkward, maybe even as far as uncomfortable. And he knew he'd have to get over it or else the plan would fall in shambles right before him. 

"You look nice," he spoke up as Diana looked up at him blankly. "I-..uh.. I meant to tell you when I picked you up, but.. I didn't know how."

"Took you two hours to tell me I look nice?" She raised an eyebrow holding back a smile. Calum frowned, stammering and stumbling over his words as Diana simply giggled shaking her head. "Thank you, Calum. You look nice too."

Calum took a deep breath and smiled small, leaning forward on his elbows. She was so damn nice. "You too...too... even though I already said that. Okay listen, I'm really bad at like talking to people. I always have been," he confessed biting his lip. His hands lightly balled up into fist on the table. His eyes meeting Diana's as her small hand found its way, comfortingly placed on top of his.

"Never be scared of talking to me," she assured. Calum felt his stomach turn uncomfortably.

"Why are you so nice?" he asked almost angrily without thinking, catching the girl before him off guard.

"Uh, what do you mean?" She asked confused at which he just shook his head with a dry chuckle.

"Never mind," his tone turned distant. Diana's hand returned to its place on the table warily. 

"Did I do something?" she asked, attempting to cover the worry in her voice and failing. Calum looked at her, he too was failing. He was trying not to divert his anger on the situation towards Diana, trying his best even, and he was failing. 

He shook his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he chose his next words carefully. "Most girls in this city, only want me because I'm in a band that makes a lot of money. And I know you were at that meet and greet and all, but I'm starting to believe you didn't say yes because of what I do, or who I am," he rambled, leaning back in his seat.

A small look of shock crossed Diana's face. "You thought I said yes, because you're in Five Seconds of Summer?" she asked almost offended.

"Feared," he corrected, scratching the back of his neck. "I feared at first, even though you almost said no. I thought, I don't know it might have been some kind of mind game. The girls around here will fuck with your head, I was scared you were one of them." It was all a lie, but it made Calum seem more vulnerable, and Diana was falling prey to it.

"Cal," she sighed. "You're right."

Calum's eyebrows furrowed together as he was now the one shocked. "What?" he questioned, with a look of disbelief. Diana took a deep breath.

"I did say yes because of who you are," she nodded, fidgeting with her fingers. "And you are, Calum Hood. A funny, caring, sweet guy. One who happens to be really good at bass and making phone calls at two in the morning." She smiled as Calum chuckled at her last remark. "I figured a guy like that deserves a chance."

Calum's heart sunk at her words. She was so kind, so genuine, fuck. Why her? "Well I'm glad you gave me a chance," he nodded.

"I am too... I think," Diana pursed her lips, Calum raising an eyebrow. "Well I won't know for sure until the end of this date will I?" 

This had all become so much harder so quickly for him. But it was as if the further he travelled, the harder it was to turn back. He didn't think she'd be this nice of a girl, with such good intentions. Why couldn't they get someone shallow, someone who he wouldn't feel as bad for fooling so profoundly. He could still drop out, it wasn't too late. He could still..., "Yeah, I guess not," he smiled, but it was empty.

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