Life Before HIM.

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"Life is life. it has it's ups and downs. but friends can hold you down."

My name is Sydney. I'm 19 years old an my life is great. I work go out on Fridays and help with my grandmother Joan. It's been hard the last couple of years,but I try to block that all out. I graduated top of my class and played lots of sport but that was all in high school.

It was a live Friday night an I couldn't wait, my friends from the US were coming to London!

I sprinted at them as they were coming towards me as I got more excited with each foot that hit the ground.

"Ahh! I've you you two so much!" I hug them and somehow wrapped my legs around them but soon fell because I was so short and my legs were NOT long.

"We've miss you too Sydney" as tears of joy were coming down their olive skin tones.

"Oh god, we have so much to talk about but I want to give you guys a day of rest before we go out.We're going out tomorrow night but come we're going to my grandmas so we can talk and we will get the best pizza in north London." Ahh I sighed as I hugged Christina and Victoria. God I've miss them is was so good to have them back.

"Good because I'm tired and hungry"

"Geez,Victoria has been raving about pizza all day and quite frankly I'm tired of hearing her mouth" she said with her badass self. Yup,she's still the same. These two week are going to be so fun. Everything great. I have my best friends I'm off of work for the weekend, an life is for now.

Maybe its Death that wants me,or me to save Death.Where stories live. Discover now