"Anya's, if we're being specific, but my aunt and uncle have fled for some much needed alone time, which I don't care to think about. That leaves Anya and I in charge." She replied lazily, twirling her pen between her long fingers.

You bit your lip. "So you're using your bestowed responsibilities to...throw a rager?"

Lexa shrugged. "Costia wanted to. Who am I to deny her?"

You felt an unpleasant feeling bubble in the pit of your stomach. Of course Lexa doted on her.

"Well." You began, ready to deny. That turned you off completely. "I don't think our groups would get along, you're right."

Lexa leaned forward, wry smile on her lips and glint in her eyes. "Who says it's about them?"

You froze, batting your eyelashes in surprise. Did Lexa just-

"Bring whomever." Lexa shrugged as the bell rang, offering you a lazy grin (but damn if it wasn't the most beautiful thing you had ever seen). "At least...think about it."

Lexa had sauntered off before you had a chance to take another jab. Now you really did have to consider it.

Aden's POV.

Through a lot of stealthy planning on his part, Aden had finally set the beginnings of his plan into motion.

You had cancelled their tutoring session for the day, citing personal reasons, which had given Aden all the excuse he needed to call a meeting to order. With Atom's help, Aden had successfully located the lockers of all the so-called delinquents , and deposited individual notes asking them to gather at the school library after the conclusion of sixth period.

Aden sat, flipping through the binder he'd prepared, and watched as they trickled in, one by one.

The Blake twins arrived first, with Raven following not long after, and then came Monty Green and Jasper Jordan until, finally, Murphy walked in, hands stuffed in his hoodie pocket, sitting next to the others. They were talking amongst themselves, and Aden gauged that the general mood was one of confusion, and decided to make his presence known, walking over to the table they'd all sat down at, and plopping his binder down on the table.

"You may be wondering why I've gathered you all here today," he opened dramatically, doing his best to channel his inner Lexa.

"Who's the kid?" he heard Raven ask, and Octavia piped up a moment later.

"That's Aden Woods."

"As in the commander's little brother?"

"That would be the one."

He cleared his throat, shooting a little glare in their direction, to which Raven answered with a wide grin.

"Anyways, as I was saying," Aden continued, "you are all here today to help with a plan that I have conceived, and will show to you with the help of my lovely assistant, Atom." On cue, Atom approached, rolling along with him a borrowed giant whiteboard. Aden quickly rifled through his binder, and pulled out several packets, and Atom handed one to each delinquent.

"Exhibit A," as he spoke, Aden quickly pulled a picture of you from his binder and taped it to the whiteboard on the left side, "exhibit B," here, he placed a picture of Lexa on the opposite end of the board, and quickly drew a blue line between the two of them, and wrote, in big, block letters OPERATION (Y/S/N)) above the line.

"I like this kid already," Raven grinned, flipping through the offered packet, which was a detailed task analysis and timeline for Aden's master plan.

Catch me, I'm falling. (Lexa/you)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang