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Hoseok was walking around with his closest friends, Jimin and Taehyung. They're younger than him, but he's fine with that.

All eyes were on him as he walked down the school's hallway, people moving out of the way for the dark haired boy and his friends. It was the first day of school.

Suddenly, a boy with mint hair knocked into him.

The boy's books fell to the ground and he scoffed, "Excuse you," The boy stated while rolling his eyes, and crossing his arms as he stared at Hoseok straight in the eyes.

"What?" Hoseok asked, sort of shocked someone would ever have that kind of attitude with him.

"You heard me, you have ears don't you? Now move." The boy demanded.

"Hey! Who do you think you are," Jimin intervened, getting in front of Hoseok.

"Shut up, shorty." The boy hissed at him, glaring daggers, everyone gasped. "Now, Seriously. Get out of the way, I'd like to get my books back, I have places to be."

Jimin shut up immediately.

Hoseok was surprised, and started smirking. This seems like something fun.

"What's your name?" Hoseok asked with a smile.

"None of your business, now move." The boy said once more.

Hoseok backed the boy up towards a locker, anyone that was previously standing there moved quickly. "I asked you what your name was."

"Yeah, I know I have ears and actually fucking listen, now get out of my way I have places to get to." The boy shoved Hoseok out of the way and walked to his books, picking them up and walking away.

Everyone's mouth were wide open at the fact that some boy dared to even touch Hoseok.

"What?!" Hoseok snapped and everyone quickly went back to their own devices. He mumbled grumpily, but was slightly happy. Someone finally going against him.

"Who even was that guy?!" Jimin huffed, annoyed as they began walking again. "He called me short, and wasn't that much taller than me!" He complained.

Taehyung hummed slightly, "I think his name is Min Yoongi?"

"Min Yoongi?" Hoseok asked, intrigued at the boy from earlier.

"Yeah, I've heard about him. He's like a music major, he's the best piano player in the school. Other than that, he's not anyone special. Average grades, average life, average family, average income. He's plain, all average." Taehyung shrugged.

"Of course you'd know, you're like a girl when it comes to drama." Jimin rolled his eyes and Taehyung shoved him lightly.

"Shut up!" He said.

"Aish, stop messing around so much." Hoseok stated, "I need a plan. I need to see that guy as often as possible."

"I can find out his locker number!" Taehyung offered.

"Sweet, we'll go with that for now." Hoseok confirmed.

"I'm surprised I don't see Taehyung sipping tea every ten seconds." Jimin says and Taehyung hits him again.


Yoongi walked into his classroom, setting his stuff down and sitting.

Namjoon, his close friend, came up to him, "Yoongi, are you insane?!"

Yoongi put his head back, closing his eyes. "What?" He asked.

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