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Olivia p.o.v
4:17 pm

My phone makes a noise indicating i got a notification and see Colby tweeted me back.
I smile down at my screen and read his tweet.

In reply to
@Colbyssmilee: "would have never guessed you got your ticket nah jk can't wait to meet you again! 😊"
As quickly as my blind self could, i typed a response.

In reply to
@colbybrock: "hahha can't wait to meet you again either!"

right after i hit send i notice he sent me a private DM.

"Hey Olivia how are you?" - Colby
"Still blind as ever😂" - Olivia
"😂" - Colby

Colby and i kept talking for hours more just telling jokes and talking about what we've been up to since we last saw each other at playlist live DC last year.

Time skip 4 months.

"Finally we're here!" I say as my mom and i step off the plane and into the airport.
We go to baggage claim and get our suitcases before my mom orders a uber to come pick us up and take us to the playlist hotel.

After settling in, my mom and i decide to go downstairs to get dinner.
Once we walk in i look around and see what i think is Colby. After we sit down my mom says she needs to go to the bathroom. After she leaves, i look over to 'Colby' and his friends talking and having a good time together. After staring at him for awhile, he notices I'm looking at him.

He looks at me then stands up. As he gets closer to me i can tell it is him.
I immediately stand up and hug him. "I figured you couldn't see if it was me from that far away so i came to you" Colby knows about my eye condition, i told him last year after a few year of meeting and me too insecure to tell him. I guess since i told him, he still hasn't forgotten.

"Was it obvious I couldn't see?" I ask as i pull away from the hug worried that someone he was with would pick up on my blindness. He bends down and whispers in my ear. "No only to me no one saw you looking you're all good" "i just really hate being blind" i say a little aggravated. "Hey hey, look at me. It's okay, do you want to walk around with sam and i all this weekend?" He says. "Yes please!" I say and hug him again but this time tighter. He rocks us side to side. He pulls away and takes out his phone. Whats your number? I'll type it in.
"Um it's (323) *** ****" i say my number as he types it in. I watch as he makes my contact name "livie 😊"
He looks up and says "i think your mom is walking back" "where?" I say he points me in the direction of where she is. "Ooh i see her now"
"I'm gonna go back over to my table my food is here, text me if you need me. I love you" Colby says after Brennen calls him over. "Okay and i love you too"

"Who was that boy you were talking to?" My mom says sitting down across from me.
"Thats Colby. You know the YouTuber i watch?"
"Oh yeah him" she says. "He told me I could walk around with him tomorrow." I say. "Does he know about you not being able to see?" She says. "Yes mommm" i told him the first time I've ever met him thats why he wants me to walk around with him" i say kinda frustrated. "Okay" she says.

After we finish Colby and the guys are sitting at the bar drinking coke and Jack Daniel's. I know Colby handles alcohol pretty well so i just walk right up to him as my mom goes to the bathroom AGAIN! Jeez how many times does this woman have to use the bathroom?!. "Colby" i say as Brennen and him are talking about their dicks. He faces me and says "hey princess I definitely didn't say anything bad" "umhhm i heard you" "ANYWAYS!" I say loud clapping my hands together. "I just wanted to say goodnight, I've had a long day I'm tired."
"Tired?" It's only 9pm" Brennen cuts in. "She had a long travel day" Colby says for me.
Colby stands up and hugs me tight. "Please don't get too drunk okay?" I say into his shirt. "I promise, i gotta take care of you tomorrow I can't be too hungover. "I love you" i say smiling up at him. "I love you too" as he goes to sit back down, a thought pops up in my mind "wait Colby!" I say pulling his arm. "Yes?" I get on my tipy toes and whisper in his ear. "Can i have a sip of your drink?" He stands up straight and thinks a for a moment. He bends down again and i can smell the taste of alcohol on him. "I'll tell you what, tomorrow night you can come to my room and I'll let you drink a little but we're out in public and I don't want to get you in trouble alright?" "Awww okay" i say sad. "i know princess i just don't want to get you in trouble i care about you"  i smile u at him and yawn. He grabs my head and pulls it into his chest and i snuggle into him. "How much did you strain your eye today?" "A lot" i say. "I can tell, you're exhausted." Soon my mom comes back and we head up to our room to go to sleep.
As I'm about to go to sleep i get a text.
Colby 😇 😍: good night I'm coming to get you at 7:30 i love you
Olivia: okk i love you too don't stay out partying to late❤️
I shut my phone off and drift off asleep.

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