Chapter 9 - Emyr

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"Long ago, when the world didn't exist yet, two gods shared the most beautiful love. But the Great God had a challenge to them. He created our world and asked the lovers to look after it. The Sun, master of the living things, King of the Light. He should illuminate the lives of the creatures of the planets and guide them. The Moon, Queen of Darkness, beautiful and elegant. She should guide the travelers through the night and give them light when despair ruled.

The lovers were forced apart, and although every living thing in the world admired them, they became hopeless because they could never meet again. As time went by, the Moon became weaker. She couldn't handle the loneliness. Not even the stars, her friends, were able to ease the pain.

Then she fell. The world broke. And the Moonless World rose."

- Popular Tale from Vämir, unknown author

He was still in the infirmary, since his last breakdown in Gal's office. Despite he feeling extremely sick and in pain, Emyr was excited for what he had discovered. Even though it ended with him in the nursery room, he had been able to see the girl. He still didn't know who she was, but he knew now she was one of them.

Gal couldn't be more thrilled, especially after what he said about the tattoo. "Do you know what it can possibly mean?", she asked, pacing around the small booth, by the side of his bed.

Emyr shook his head.

"That you're not the last one of us. That the sun is still alive and there's still hope," She stopped by his side and shook his hand. Her eyes glowed like a lamp in the darkness.

Emyr kind of liked being special.

The boy smiled at Gal's reaction, but there was something else. "About that..." He started, frowning. "Her tattoo... I recognized her tattoo as one of ours, but..."

Gal stopped and glanced at him grimacing. "What?"

"She is not a Solis," Emyr said. "The Sun did not pick her."

Gal opened her mouth, but she couldn't speak. What did he mean by that? Emyr himself didn't know. The Moon had been dead for years now, she couldn't have chosen another Krieger. Or could she?

"What are you trying to say?" the woman asked.

"I'm saying that... Whoever chose her, was not the Sun."

Gal started pacing again from one side to the other. "Can you describe her tattoo?" she stopped walking.

Emyr nodded. "It had many circles on the top and a line that ended in a dark arrow with two tips, one black, and one white. The figure of the circles... It was like the Moon itself." Gal's eyes widened as he spoke. She held his shoulders tightly.

"Can you draw it?!" Emyr nodded. "We have to talk to the Algeman immediately."

"Are you sure of it?", the Algeman asked, his hands crossed on top of the table as he stared at Emyr and Gal.

The boy nodded fervently. "I'm absolutely sure. I saw her tattoo," he said.

"I didn't know you were able to use this kind of power," the man's mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"It doesn't matter. She's one of us, we have to get her," Emyr said, trying to get his attention.

He didn't seem to get it really. The Algeman had a worry in his eyes, probably wondering how they would find the new Krieger Emyr believed existed - if she was real, indeed. He sighed and stared at his own hands. "We can't just simply follow what you think you saw, because of a..."

Gal rolled her eyes and hit the table with both hands, putting a piece of paper on top of it, interrupting the man. "You don't get it. What Emyr saw was not the Solis tattoo. It was something else," the old man stared at the picture drawn by Emyr. He knew that better than anyone.

The Algeman's attention was finally caught. He raised his head an stared at them. "It's not possible."

Gal's eyes shone. Emyr gulped, wondering if what he saw could indeed be possible.

"It's worth a shot," the woman said, shaking her head.

The man nodded, Gal was right. If it was real, they had to get to that girl before somebody else did. But how could they do that?

He got up from his chair and walked to the door behind the other two. "Emyr, you'll be dismissed from classes to be practicing solely with coach Gal from now on," he said and opened the door, stopping by the side of it. "If what you said is true, this girl has already been spotted, and we don't have much time to find her. Focus your efforts on finding a clue to where she is. And I'll take care of the rest."


Oh my God, Caelie, and Emyr are so close to finally meeting. I can barely wait!

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