Chapter 21: Feel the Pain

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Jimin POV: I bump into Lisa and my identity was exposed...Everybody began crowding around me and Lisa murmuring thinking there was a 'thing' going between me and Lisa. I was panicking by seeing the sight of my fans giving me weird looks and I wanted Seulgi by me but as soon as I look by my side, I see Seulgi making a run for it hiding her face. I frowned as I watch her ditch me...

I look at Lisa and she slaps my face one on the left and one on the right, the stinging pain made me feel worthless...I drop down onto the rocky concrete hesitating to touch my stinging cheeks. Everybody didn't do anything but record me, Lisa just glared at me trembling like she wanted to do something. 

She kicks my leg twice and I groan in pain...I could feel my eyes watering but I kept it inside me so I won't show her my weak side. My legs trembled as I try to stand back up but then she pushed me back down, but it was a lot more softer. It was like she was wanting to stop...I had a feeling she wanted to stop and hug me I could see it in her concerned eyes. 

Author Nim POV: As much as Lisa wanted to leave him alone...She wanted Jimin to suffer, she wanted Jimin to feel the pain that her and Chaeyoung went through because of him. She didn't care about how many people surrounded her, she wanted to let them know that Jimin wasn't the guy he was before he was in a coma. 

In Jimin's quiet whimpers he begged Lisa to stop kicking him...But deep inside he knew he deserved which was why he didn't want fight back...

Lisa POV: I-I want to hug Jimin...But no, he has to feel what I feel!! I slapped his face again making eye contact with him again..I could see the sorrow in his eyes, I shook my head trying not to fall in love. 

Lisa: (Scoffs) I hope you feel the pain me and Chaeyoung felt because of you! Because of 1 simple guy, we suffered! You never care about what other's feel! You really thought you could get away being a coward (Chuckles)

Jimin: You love me! I know you do! Just admit it so I can be myself again!!! 

Lisa: W-What? 

I turned my back on him confused at what he said and I look at Jimin again..I was being tempted to go and hug him and I couldn't help leaving him alone...I was about to walk back to him but then someone grabbed wrist tightly running..I looked at the covered person confused. We were at the back of a shop and I stopped running pushing him away from me. 

Lisa: What the fuck do you want?! 

I finally made eye contact with him...His eyes were filled with furry and anger, I could see it in him but his black hat and mask made it hard for me to guess who it was. He looks so familiar but who is he? 

???: I want you.

His deep raspy voice made my eyes widened...I know this voice. My body was trembling and I hesitated to move away from as he slowly come towards me, the strong Lisa left me. I didn't know what to do...How am I suppose to talk to the guy who ruins my life? How am I suppose to talk to m-

Lisa: D-Da-Dad?

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