Living with my brother and his man-whore of a friend chapter 2

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*** lolz i think this sucks but oh well if u like it vote and comment givin me feedback and suggestions on

what i could change or wat i could do better lolz ***


I sat back down in the corner of history when the teacher walks in with 2 new students......

****CHAPTER 2****

i heard the all the girls gasp as I looked up and I saw two hot guys. One looked really familiar I couldnt put my

finger on what made me think I know him. He had jet black hair tht covered some of his eyes and blue eyes.

When he noticed me staring at him he stared back and whispered something to the other guy next to him. He

Had dark brown hair and hazel eyes that were so beautiful you could get lost in them.

they both stared at me I looked down at my hands that were in my lap and blushed. "Goodmorning class as you

see we have 2 new students I hope that you will give a warm welcoming to them Now boys would you like to introduce

your self to the rest of the class?" "Yes ma'am." said the one with jet black hair. "Hi I'm Brandon um I am 17." said the

one with jet black hair that is supposivly Brandon. "And I'm Aaron I'm also 17." Said the one with dark brown hair and

he winked at all the girls and they all squeaked. I rolled my eyes. "Well boys since the only seats avalible are in the

back near Josie. So Josie if you would be so kind to raise your hand so these boys can find their seat?" Said Mrs. Jones

'why would I need to raise my hand their are only 2 empty seats in this whole class and one was infront of me and the other

was beside me' I thought to myself. I sighed and raised my hand and the boys looked at me and Aaron smirked and they

made their way to the back to sit Brandon took the seat beside me before Aaron could sit down he stared at Brandon with

anger in his eyes and took the seat infront of me. "Now class please get your notebooks out and copy down the notes on the

board." said mrs. Jones. I bent down and picked up my history notebook and grabbed my pencil and wrote the notes down.

I felt like some1 was staring at me but I ignored it and continued copying the note. I turned my head to see that Brandon was

staring at me and I quickly went back to copying. I finished before everyone else I was a fast writer. I started doodling on my

notebook cover. The bell rung. I grabbed my books and notebook and ran out the door. ' Why does Brandon look familiar

theres something about the name ugh why can't I remember?' I thought to myself as I walked down the hall way. Then all

of a sudden I hit someone and it knocked all my stuff on the ground I mumbled sorry and bent down to pick up my books then

I glanced up to see who I ran into it was Brandon. I quickly got up and walked away. Someone grabbed my shoulder and

turned me around it was Brandon. " You don't remember me do you?" He asked I heard a little hurt in his voice."Why should I?"

I asked. He looked more hurt and said," Hey I gotta go but meet me in the parking lot at the end of school I wanna talk to you

about something." and with that he ran off in the other direction.


( earlier )

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