Strange Events and Unknown Dangers

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A scream came from outside the room along with banging on the door, someone calling out to us, "LET ME IN, PLEASE DON'T LET ME DIE!"
Too late, the mechanical foot steps made it to the door and I heard what sounded like the snip of scissors as the cries of whoever was out there were cut off. No one made a sound any more, they just breathed as softly as they could to make as little sound possible. The sound of scissors continued for a good while before they suddenly stopped, the glass on the door to our class breaking, soon something slammed against the door, shifting the desks stacked next to it. Everyone went into a quiet panic at that moment, shuffling around, a few of them even praying to be safe from whatever was outside. Another bang at the door caused it to break open, shifting the desks even more. A few of the students jumped and kept themselves as close to the ground as possible, hoping that there was a chance that they'd live. The door was smashed open right off the hinges, the desks toppling over and falling to the ground as whatever was outside entered the class. Now everyone was in a panic, even the teacher who was still crouched down in a corner, no one dared to look, there was only fear inside of everyone, the fear of death. Once again I realized I was staring into the void as the mechanical foot steps made their way closer one step at a time, I thought I knew what would happen at this point but, the footsteps stopped and I saw the slightest shadow on the floor. Whatever it was, it turned its head and shrieked at something, the shadow mimicking its every move. The head was small with spines going down what was visible of the neck, the mouth... beak, was long and the teeth were almost serrated. Something dripped from the beak and spilled onto the floor, a drop landing right next to the teachers desk, it was dark and red and the smell, I soon realized what it was... it was blood. Already I was back to staring into the Void, not even realizing that the thing had left the room with a hiss, hopefully leaving the school altogether, yet I just kept staring at the blood. I was finally broken from the trance as someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned to see one of the students faces, Kealey's, "is it safe?" She asked in a soft and quiet voice. I dared myself to look, there was blood all over the floor and the desks were scattered everywhere, the door laying on the ground off of the hinges.

After a short moment of listening to see if it was outside I heard nothing and turned back, "it's safe." At that moment everyone gave a sigh of relief, soon getting up and looking around the class, most of their belongings piled on top of each other. The teacher had already left the room to see if the other classes were fine but stopped short at the door and clasped her hands around her mouth, staring at the door of the other classroom. I stopped picking up my belongings and walked over to her, staring at something horrifying and gruesome. It was the body of the kid that had left the class, Brody C, he was completely mutilated, sliced in half, his intestines spilling from his body. Other students started to gather behind us, gasping, one of them crying while others puked. People usually mourn during these times, but me, lots of the kids in my class would make fun of me and push me around, Brody C was one of them, but either way I allowed a tear to fall from my face. I took the cross necklace off of my neck and opened his hand, resting it in the palm before closing it and praying.

"Brody Crudders was a friend to lots of us, maybe not all of us, but he still deserves a good life, may his travel to heaven be a safe one, and may his reward be great."

The class fell silent some not being able to look before the whole class said something I never thought they would say before now, "amen."

Everyone sat silent after that, thinking to themselves, Kealey being the one to speak up. "So what are we going to do now?" I looked over at the toppled desks and the mutilated body of Brody C, thinking the same question.

"Well, if those things are still out there we need to try and gather as many people as we can and find a safe place that isn't going to get destroyed or found by them." It was Jared who spoke up.

A Year in Apocalypseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن