Chapter 1 "To where it all started"

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Lisa's POV

"Lisa, dare or dare?" Jisoo asked me as the empty bottle that Jennie rolled stopped at me.

I rolled my eyes at her, as if I have a choice?!
This kind of scenario is just common to us, it's our way to pass time tbh, doing dares or bets. We started this few months ago since we are too stress with school and with our personal lives, making fun to each other or other people is our stress reliever. We haven't done such extreme dares like last time Jennie unnie dared Rosé to put an empty can on the school quadrangle and dance 'without' music during breaktime 😐 she looks crazy! really 😂

I dared Jisoo unnie when we gate crashed some random wedding 'reception' of an unknown couple to shout "Stop the wedding!" with tear-stained face and smudge mascara. hahaha 😂😏 and many more to mention😉😈

if those kind of stunts isn't called extreme then I'm sure I will lose my mind with whatever is running in Jisoo's pretty little mind rn as a smirked was plastered on her beautiful face.

Ofcourse I will not let them see that I'm nervous with whatever she is planning for me to do so I also smirked at her.

"Spill it out Jisoo." I proudly said. I know she is planning something out of this world I mean "they" because I saw how they looked at each other as if talking with their eyes, they're probably thinking 'it's payback time' cause it's my first time to do a dare.

I was very lucky and Jisoo unnie is on roll 😂😂😂 this past few months. I've been savage and bitch for suggesting embarrasing acts and making fun of them thats why I really am nervous right now. Geez. someone save me with these vengeful unnies.

"Oh well our dear Lisa.. its very easy for you it's just a piece of cake! I hope itsn't your first since you already experienced having a boyfiend right?" Jennie said as she held my chin with a teasing smile I gulped because the way she said those words... it's so sweet yet I felt shivers down my spine as the words 'boyfriend' and 'first' reached my ears. This is driving me crazy jinja! Aarrggh!!! and I hate it!
But I manage to raise a brow at her yet she just laughed at my reaction. What the?!

"Kiss." Rose said that caused giggles of the two.

OMG?! I misheard that right?😶

"K..kiss?" I said to my mind.

"pfft..!" I saw how Jisso unnie tried to surpress her laugh.

did I said that aloud? Now they will think I'm scared! Waahhh!😭 It's the truth tho but I should not be obvious!

"What about the kiss?" I asked coldy as if I was too bored about what she is talking about but deep inside I'm about to faint and explode! My palms were starting to sweat beyond normal, I also felt the room started to get colder I'm nervous af. I really need to get out of here. I'm doomed.

"Kiss... I dare you to 'kiss' the  first guy who will enter that door." Jisoo said with a smirk while pointing at the entrance door. "Kiss him for 10seconds." she continued.

My mind stopped working for a second and my heart is beating faster than usual!

I gulped. What?!😶 Is she crazy?! I haven't kissed anyone in my entire life except my parents!

My ex haven't had the chance to kiss me and I know he don't want it either, he can't even stare at my lips!

Our relationship isn't real!

It's just a pretend one to cover up for his parents that his a gay! For Pete's sake!

These girls right here doesn't know about that and besides they are also the reason why I agreed to that fake relationship for they are always teasing me of not having a boyfriend and dating my books but the main reason is, that guy is a friend of mine that's why.

They are looking at me with those mocking eyes as if they knew something and they already know that I can't do it.

I don't want to lose my precious first kiss to a stranger!!! waahhhhh!!!😭😭😭

But I have to act tough... I restrain myself to plead and make puppy eyes at them.

I sighed before saying,

"3". I said coldly acting brave, but what I'm doing is an act of cowardice right? Haaayy... 😞😞😞

" Oh come on Lisa, you can do better than that." Rosé muttered

"7". Jisoo unnie countered like she's not affected with my cold treatment.

"3 1/2". I demanded.

"What?" Jennie unnie said while half laughing at me.

"6, last chance Lisa." Jisoo unnie said while staring at my eyes.

"4".This time I raised my voice at them.

Jennie unnie sighed.. " Fine 5 seconds for you BABY Lisa, and no more complains we did our dares as what is said so you should also do the same."

I'm not a BABY!!!😭 I protest but just kept it in me because they might change their minds and make this dare of mine even worst if I whinned.

I sighed in defeat. 'Fine 5 seconds it is. It's just a kiss anyway.' I acted tough in front of them. Gosh what I have gotten myself into?! Otteoke?! I'm breaking down inside. 😲

"Aww.. our Baby Lisa has grown up! I'm so proud of myself being a good mother." Jisoo unnie fake cried together with the two.

I rolled my eyes at them, tsk.

I stand up but Rosé caught my wrist, "Lisa if you don't want to do it... just don't." I can see the worry in her face and that made my heart melt Oh Rosé you're my savior!

"You just need to prepare your wallet to pay for our food for a month." She evilly said that earned laughters from the other two.

My world shattered into pieces 'cause of her evil remark. I thought... I thought...waaaahhhh jinja 😡😡😡!!!! I don't have a choice, I know them! I shouldn't have fallen for that! Aish.

"Tsk, No way Rosé I don't want to become a beggar." I said as I roll my eyes at her.

We waited for a guy to enter the door,

Dug dug dug dug dug...

OMO!!! I saw shadows towards the door.


It's a group.

Of boys...

and the first guy who entered the door...

that bunny smile...

Waahhh!!! Otteokke?!

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