chapter thirteen ♡

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jack gilinsky ♡

i just sat there making eye contact with lily.

she looked away, i really hurt her and i hate myself so much for it.

getting with madison in the first place was such a terrible idea but i did it anyways.

i couldn't see how much she was hurting lily, i wish i did, i'm suppose to be he bestfriend for gods sake

when i got home, and saw how lily was in such a dark place, i don't know, i wanted to be the only one to help her.

i wanted to fix her, make her happy again and i did that but now some other guy is making her smile appear and that hurts.

it shouldn't hurt, but why does it?

every time i see he around dillon, i feel like someone is physically ripping my heart out my chest and crushing it until all the little pieces turn black and fall to the ground disappearing forever.

i was brought out my thoughts whenever i saw, dillon and lily standing up.

"wait, where are y'all going?" i asked.

"we're going to hang out before he leaves tomorrow. see you when i get home." lily gave me a small smile.

i nodded, they walked out the door.

"okay bro, what is going on?" johnson asked from beside me.


"nothing." i shrugged.

"that's some bull" zoey said.

"just chill okay. i broke up with madison, you guys didn't like her anyways so what's the big deal?" i asked them.

i was getting pretty annoyed at this point.

"oh my god" zoey said.

"what?" sammy said.

"he's in love with lily." she stated with a smile

"are you?" nate asked.

no, that's absolutely insane. i've known her for fourteen years, that is so crazy.

"no, that's crazy" i said.

"you do jack. just face it, i mean, you hate when she hangs out with other guys, you get mad at her when she does, that's only something a boyfriend does. you love her" zoey said.

"i have to help my sister with something" i said lowly and got up walking out the house.

i got in my car but sat there for a minute.

did i love her? but that's crazy because she doesn't love me.

i don't blame her either, i'm a mess up in life in general.

i sighed, and started my car and drove to my moms house.

it feels weird to say that, because i don't live there anymore.

i parked in the driveway and walked inside.

"jack!" my mom smiled pulling me into a hug.

"hey mom" i said.

i pulled away and saw laura and molly sitting at the table with pens and paper.

"so what's the big news?" i asked sitting across from them.

"i'm getting married" laura smiles holding up her hand showing the engagement ring.

"oh my god seriously?" i asked.

i was happy for her of course but as being the kind of brother i am. i was very protective.

"don't worry, he's good to me, jack" she assured me.

i know he is, ive met him plenty of times before.

it's just she hasn't known him that long and i feel like they may be rushing things a little.

and he just gives off a bad vibe but i can't choose for her.

that would make me a terrible person.

"i'm happy for you" i said with a smile and reached over to hug her.

"thanks" she smiled.

then footsteps came from the hallway.

i looked over and saw taylor. taylor caniff yes.

the one from indiana, yes. the one lily used to be friends with when she lived there yes.

the one who is marrying my sister, yes..

"jack, hey man" he said.

"hey" i said back. "happy for you and laur" i said.

"thank you" he smiled.

i unlocked the door to me and lily's house and walked inside locking the door back.

i saw her sprawled out on the couch asleep, it looked like.

i smiled lightly because she looked adorable.

i went upstairs and grabbed her favorite blanket, the one that said her name and had monkeys all over it, the one her mom gave her when she turned eighteen.

i brought it back and put it over her.

i kissed her head gently.

"goodnight, lily" i whispered.

i turned the tv off and the lights and went upstairs to my room and fell asleep thinking about lily.

that's how most nights go, me thinking about her and how incredibly beautiful she is,

how i'm so lucky to have met her and have her in my life.

how thankful i am to call her my bestfriend, because if i didn't have her, i honestly don't think that i would have been the person i am.

she helps me so much. i'm just so lucky.

it means so much to me:))
ily all!!
-ry ♡

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