The Second Attack

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Since the disastrous episode of the pixies, Professor Lockhart had not brought live creatures to class. Instead, he read passages from his book to them, and sometimes even re-enacted some of the more dramatic bits. Students like Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson hung onto Lockhart's every word, whilst others like Harry Potter and Teddie Green spent most of the lesson trying very hard to stay awake.

"I thought I would never find a more boring lesson outside History of Magic," Teddie whined as she followed Blaise and Daphne into the Slytherin common room. "Lockhart's seriously got to be the worst Defence teacher ever. I mean, I'm not a fan of Quirrell, especially after last year, but at least we learned things from him."

Daphne nodded in agreement and took her usual place on the sofa near the fireplace. "You know the Defence position is cursed," she said. "I heard Sierra and Larika talking the other night. They don't like Lockhart either, he's boring in their lessons too. Anyway, if the rumour of Defence being cursed, hopefully, he'll be gone next year."

"Fingers crossed Dumbledore screens the next Professor a little better," said Blaise.

"In what department?" Theo asked. "Narcissism or general?"

"Both," Blaise said. "Lockhart is as sane as a back of rocks."

Daphne, Theo, and Teddie chuckled.

As she was pulling out the potion books she had received for her birthday, Teddie felt the sofa dip to her left and looked around to see Warrington sit down. He met her gaze and smirked. Feeling uncomfortable, Teddie slid closer to Theo.

"What's the matter, Green?" Warrington asked. "One would think that you wouldn't want to be near me."

"I don't," Teddie said. "Professor Snape has advised that I stay as far away from you as possible."

"Kind of hard to do when we're both in the same house, don't you think?" Warrington asked.

"Not unless we intentionally go out of our way to be near the other," Teddie said. "Which, as you very well know, I wouldn't do.

Warrington chuckled.

"Why are you trying to be nice?" Blaise asked. He and Daphne, who sat opposite Theo and Teddie, stood, and swapped seats with the pair, putting them opposite Warrington rather than beside him.

"Just following the Slytherin code," Warrington shrugged.

Daphne snorted. "Right. You only follow the rules when you want something," she said. "Whatever it is, Teddie doesn't have it. So why don't you just leave her alone?"

"Wow! It takes a special kind of witch or wizard to cast such a powerful controlling charm as the one you've cast on these four, huh, Green?" Warrington asked.

Teddie tensed, her eyes locked on the book in her lap.

Immediately, Theo wrapped his arm around Teddie and glared up at Warrington. "Just go away, Warrington!" he snapped. "You're overstepping the boundaries that Professor Snape specifically put in place to keep you away from us."

"Well, you've got him wrapped around your finger, haven't you?" Warrington chuckled. "Maybe you're not a Muggleborn. Maybe you're a Halfblood? You aren't a Pureblood; we'd be able to find that out easily enough."

"Shut up!" Teddie snapped, her hands curling around her book tightly.

"What was that?"

"I said shut up!" Teddie growled. She looked up at Warrington, her eyes narrowing as they met his gaze. "Just go away before you make me do something I'll regret later."

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