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"HAHAHAHAHA! Mirror, mirror on the wall, I'm sure as hell she's the ugliest of all! HAHAHAHA!"

"What a sight! She's really something, you know?"

"Yeah! Something like a trash!"

"No, look at her. She's just dirty looking but still something to look at."

"Yeah, right. Want to rape her now?"


I started following the voices. I don't know what's happening there, but I started to feel like being a superhero in the movie where you will find your next evil targets and have good kicks in their butts.


In the dark alley, I saw five ugly butts facing me. They're leaning toward someone; I heard it's a her, but I can't really see clearly with their broad backs on me. They wear black suits and have guns.

They have guns! This is worse than I've imagined.

Think Thor. Think. I can't just leave this someone to these scary guys!

"Hey you! Leave her alone!" Yeah. Like I could scare them with my handsome face. I just hoped the police will come sooner before a major damage is done!

"Woah! You must be her knight in shining armor! HAHAHA!" They all laughed. Right. This is just great. I can see the girl now but not clearly, though her trembling is very visible. She is slumped against the wall and is facing down. She wears a hoody and a now dirty dress underneath. Her shoulders are shaking and are moving a little up and down. She's crying quietly. The guys are now facing me. Good. I got their attention now, away from the girl. I can't take her vulnerable state anymore.

"Let's see what will happen to your ugly laughing faces when the police come!"

"Drop your guns and raise your hands!" What a perfect timing! Thank God the police didn't waste time! I just told them over exaggerated things earlier so that they'll hurry up here.

"Police!? Damn!"

"That fast?!"

It's my time to laugh. "Sorry, it's just your bad luck that I heard you earlier and call the police as soon as possible. I guess there's no time for a good fight, huh?"

"Drop your guns!" The police now surrounded us and the guys finally gave up but not silently.

"Remember this little guy! The others with us will get back on you, I'll assure you!"

Tss. Empty threats. I assure you too, you all will rot inside the cell for a long time. I run towards the girl and find her still crying. As I held my hands closer to help her stand, she just shies away and trembling still like a scared kitten. I can't see her face for she remains facing down.

"You'll never know the danger ahead little girl! You'll never be safe! Never! And everyone around you won't be either!!"

Those last words echoed on the dark alley as they fade with the moving patrol cars. The police just took my statement about the incident and as for the girl, she cannot speak now. Literally.

When the police started on us and I'm already going to say my statement, I was shocked when she pulled me back and tightly held the hem of my shirt. I looked at her and she just shakes her head still facing down and as if saying and pleading at the same time that she doesn’t want to speak and just wants to forget everything about this horrid night. So I retold the events as fast and as short as I can summarize and said alibis just for the girl to get out of this questioning.

The small gesture tugged at my heart. I don't know why or how. But the feeling makes me remember. It felt like it's important. I just felt the need to protect this girl from anyone who will harm her from now on.

When finally our eyes met, I was mesmerized and at the same time confused. Have I seen this girl before?

Have You Seen This Girl?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon