"He felt our bond that night but he didn't know what it was, he kept on stealing glances at me and was blushing the whole time" James smiled sadly.

"We instantly became friends, until one day he invited me over to his house and one thing led to another, before we knew it we were on his bed, making love"

"I didn't know how to tell him what I was and why he was feeling that way towards me"

"When I finally got the courage to tell him, he rejected me"

"Even though he was fascinated about our existence he didn't want to be with me"

"So I took the job as the butler because I wanted to be closer to him. I thought maybe his feelings will change but it didn't"

"But that didn't stop him from coming to my room every night for sex" James chuckled sadly.

Robin eyes widened "He was playing with your emotions and you let him?"

"That was the only way I could have my mate in my arms, the only time my wolf is happy."

"He was my weakness" James sighed loudly.

"So this mate thing is really serious to werewolves?" Robin asked.

"How would you feel if Anna should leave you?" James asked.

"I can't imagine my life without her and I will make sure she doesn't leave me"

"I will probably kidnap her, tied her to my bed and after I'm through with her, she will know whom she belongs to" Robin blurted out.

He realized what he had just said was completely improper and inappropriate, he quickly averted his eyes down feeling embarrassed.

"Um sorry I didn't mean to say it that way"

James chuckled softly "Don't worry I completely understand, it's normal to feel this way about your mate"

"Our mate's are our source of life, our happiness and they complete us"

"Without them we are nothing"

James stopped speaking and gulped down the risings in his throat when he remembered his own mate.

"We can kill and not care about the consequences for our mates" James whispered.

"Naturally wolves are very possessive over their mates. It's our instincts"

"He knew all of this and he still rejected you?" Robin asked frowning and James nodded.

"Then one day he told me he was leaving, he had a scared look on his face. I have a feeling he left because he was pregnant"

"I begged him to stay. I cried and was on my knees pleading with him but he never glanced back at me when he walk out of the door"

"I couldn't leave his house because it held a lot of memories of him and us"

"I stayed because I felt like I had no where else to go"

"You don't deserve what he did to you" Robin sniffles as tears raced down his cheeks.

James smiled sadly "It's in the past and there is nothing we can do to change it"

"But now we have each other and that's what matters, life has given us another opportunity"

Robin nodded and sniffles "Can-can I call you Dad?" He asked nervously.

"I'm sorry if it's too sudden but I never had the opportunity to call someone that and .....

Wrong Passion {Zarry} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now