He found her behavior odd. This wasn't something she would do. It seemed unreal. The Hyejin he knows would threaten him for any inappropriate comments he made. This Hyejin almost... scares him. She makes him uncomfortable.

He thought she would be nice and playful in real life, but she turned out to be a playgirl instead.

He wanted to tell someone, it was eating him up on the inside. But there was no way anyone would believe him. They wouldn't believe poor innocent Hyejin from the groupchat would say such a thing. This was slowly making him insane....

✧ ── ✩ ── ✧

Song Hyejin was at the mall by herself, shopping for new shoes. She wasn't one to shop, she preferred saving her money... unless it was for food, then of course she would spend her money like there was no tomorrow. But she really needed new runners since hers were slowly wearing out.

She had three pairs to choose from, and was deeply thinking about a decision that she didn't notice someone approach her.

"Can't decide?"

She sighed, "No... This is probably a harder decision than choosing between coke or pepsi."

She looks up to see Jinyoung standing a few feet away from her. She was shocked, he was the last person she expected to see, even though it was the mall.

"O-Oh sorry I didn't know it was you, I thought you were an employee." She stutters, taking a few steps away.

He smiled at her, "It's not that hard to choose, it's obviously pepsi."

"What about you?" He asked, sitting down on the bench she would use to try on her shoes.

"Uh.. well sometimes pepsi, sometimes coke. It depends on my mood." She said, in a confused tone. She looked at him, wondering why he sat down so comfortably, like he was planning to stay.

He let out a light laugh, "Well as long as you like pepsi... we couldn't be friends if otherwise."

Uhhh what?

She contemplated, hesitantly opening her mouth to speak, "Not to be rude but, why are you here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Its the mall, duh." He lifts up the shopping bag in his hands, shaking the contents which sounded like a soft material to her ears.

"Noo really?" She asked, her eyebrows raised at him with an obvious hint of mockery and sarcasm. Jinyoung tried to hide his smile, but it seemed to grow bigger by the second.

"I meant why are you in here? Sitting here?" She points at the small, metal bench he was sitting on, in which he was looking somewhat comfortable; which was far from what any human would feel like sitting on that.

"Why, I can't hangout with my friend's girlfriend?"

She started choking on thin air, surprised by his sudden words. It even hurt him a bit, saying it outloud.

"We aren't dating." She said, making him mentally sigh in relief.

"Oh, sorry..." He scratches the back of his neck, looking down, only so he could hide his smile.

"So um, which pair do you like better?" She asked, making him look up in surprise. She looked like she was ready to throw me out the store.

He cleared his throat, taken aback from her question, "Well what are your top two?"

She tapped her chin, looking at the three pair below her. He couldn't help but find it cute, seeing her seriously think about this as if it was a life or death decision. He also like how her nose scrunched up as she- Stop thinking like this Jinyoung, you have Hyejin...

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