Prompt: Imagine That Turtles' S/o Reveals To Them That They Have Powers

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Prompt: Imagine that turtles' s/o reveals to them that they hace powers

Leonardo- Agrokinesis (Plant Manipulation)

You paced around Leo's room while pulling at the end of your sleeves. You and Leo have been dating for the past six months and have known eachother for the past two years. Why you waited to tell anyone that you had these powers were unknown to you. So today, you asked your boyfriend to meet you in his room so you can show him your plant manipulation powers.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the door sqeaking open and closing again. You whipped your head over in that direction,
"So what did you want to talk about, (Y/n)?" The turtle in blue asked you as he closed the door to his bedroom. You sat on the floor in meditation form, but everything but tranquility was running though your brain at the moment.

"I want to show you something, but you have to promise that you won't freak out." Your words spilled sofly from your lips like silk as you admired the small bonsai plant in your hands.
Leo's face contorted in confusion as he sat down on his bed with his eyes remaining on you.

"Of course, Love." He spoke while putting a comforting hand on your shoulder.

You smiled softly, looked up at his sparkling blue eyes and in response, he gave a small nod. You looked down at your hand, sighed through your nose, rolled your black sleeve back and gracefully moved your fingers to grow the bonsai tree. The pintsized vines and leaves sprouted and twisted their way to your hand and wrist and soon wrapped themselves around your entire forearm.

Then, the vegetation on your arm began to sprout different types of flowers. When all this was finished, you looked at Leo with expectant eyes. To your surprise, he was still looking at the flora on your arm.

"So-?" You started to speak, but was cut off by his voice.

"Do you have ice powers, too? Like Elsa?" Leo asked jokingly as he held in his laughter. You gazed at Leo with relieved eyes.

Raphael - Agnikinesis (Fire Control)

Before you and Raph began your loving relationship, you always felt like you couldn't relate to the hot headed terrapin. When you first met the turtles, he didn't trust you. When you greeted him, he would respond with a grunt or would roll his eyes. This angered you greatly; you haven't done anything wrong to support his claim. So to avoid from him getting worked up and angry at you, you just hung around the others and rarely conversed with him.

That was until one day, the gang had went out for patrol and you stayed back in Donnie's lab to be dispatcher for the crime fighting mutants. You were distracted by your drowsiness and wasn't paying attention to the neon purple dots making their way to the neon green ones. Signaling that the Kraang was making their way toward the turtles.

'3:47 am' the clock on your phone read as you turned it on. You sighed as the radio played hits from today lowly in the background, making you feel even more drowsy than before. Your eyes fluttered shut and you felt yourself lose consciousness.

"Uh, (Y/n)?" Leo questioned as he skidded to a stop on the concreted roof top when he sensed that you were unusually silent.

A bolt of energy ran through your body as you became alert of the situation when you heard Leo's voice in your ear.

"Guys! Kraang, three o'clock!" You shrieked into the mic and flung yourself onto your feet. You knew that was too close and they could've gotten them hurt or something even worse.

Minutes turned into hours as you waited for them to come back, sunrise was coming soon and they wouldn't be safe up there anymore. You sighed a decided to put on you gear and got ready to go look for the turtles, but you stopped when the heavy panting ring through the sewer tunnel. Donetello came into the lair with a look of exhaustion on his face.

"Are you guys alri-?" You started to speak but was cut off by a flaming Raph.

"Alright?! We almost got our shells handed to us out there and you're asking us if we're alright?! It's your fault that we-!" Raph ranted in your face, but you couldn't hear him. You tried calm your raging nerves by taking deep breaths and tapping your foot on the ground, but nothing was working.

A burning sensation arose from within your core and moved through out your entire body. Soon, all of your hair was consumed by the dangerous flames and so were the palms of your hands. You felt nothing. You knew that Raph had stopped shouting at you a long time ago, but now you just couldn't be stopped.

"(Y-y/n)?" Mikey stuttered as he reaches for your arm, but was stopped by you looking in to his baby blue eyes. Your normal eye color had turned to a cold black, making seem like you were soulless.

"I have to go." You mumbled in shame as you made your way out of the lair with Raph on your tail.

Donetello -Telekinesis (Mind movement)

Sitting at the turtles' home could get more than boring on some days. So boring that you started knitting a scarf with Raph, so when Donnie asked you if you wanted to go to the junkyard to search for parts, you were more than happy to join him.

You rode in the wagon that he had brought with you to carry back the heavy metal parts. Once you got there, you saw Donnie's eyes light up in delight as he looked around the abandoned lot full of neglected things. Most of which were parts to cars and old house materials and somehow Donnie had seen potential in all of it.

"Let's get to work." He spoke giddily as he briskly walked towards the pile of metal pipes.

You continued to look at objects that seemed useful and casually lifted them into the air without using your hands. You were doing just fine until you heard a loud gasp from behind you.

"(Y/N)?!" Donnie shouted from across the junk filled lot. The things floating on mid air clattered to the ground. You had totally forgotten about not telling your boyfriend of three months about your powers. Things slip, alright?

"Heh- heh, I have a lot explaining to do." You spoke nervously.

Michelangelo- Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation)

Okay, so you weren't the best influence on Mikey. When it came down pull pranks and crack jokes, you were down with program.
As an iconic prankster duo, you two were bound to break things and turn things over. Which you quickly resolved by pausing and rewinding time. Of course, no one knew about your powers. It was way too dangerous for anyone to know what you could do.

You were a in training to be a witch and your birth power was time manipulation that was passed down from your mother. When you weren't studying spells and potions, you hanging out with Mikey. Whether it was taking photos of the aesthetic city scenery that surrounded the you, chilling and listening to music or playing video games, you were just excited to be in the goofy turtle's presence.

One day, you two decided it would be a great idea to take pictures of you two walking on the very edge of the rooftops of various buildings. You were laughing at how Mikey would do funny poses as you took several pictures on his camera and then you figured it was your turn to pose.

"Here, Mike." You grinned as you handed him the camera and stood carefully on the corner of the eight story high building.

"Alrighty, go ahead." You said as you turned yourself to look at the camera, but your felt your foot slip and you balance give out as soon as it did.

"(Y/n-)!" Mikey screamed but was cut off as you paused your fall and basically the whole world and chanted a spell you remembered by heart.

"Gravititus Levitaious." You concetrated until you felt your feet hit the gravel of the roof top. A sigh of relief spilled from your lips and looked up at Mikey at saw his frozen form. The camera was in mid air, but looked like it was going to fall as soon as you unfroze everything. That camera was his prized possession and would probably die if anything horrible happened to it. So, you grabbed the black object, cradled it and resumed time.

A gasp escaped from Mikey as he took couple steps forward and looked at you with wide eyes.

"I know you did something, dude." He said out of breath as scanned you for injuries, to his pleasure, he found none.

"Ya caught me." You grinned as you put your hands up in surrender.

Hey, beauties! I hoped you all enjoyed  and more will be coming your way soon! -Teja✌🏾🌻

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