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The five top emotions that I was feeling when I stepped out of my car and started walking towards the biggest school I've ever seen Calvin high.

There were two big doors out of the many that stood out to me for two reasons 1) it had a sign saying front doors and 2) it had a sign above it. I walked right in hesitating wondering if this could be a new start from my past or just a new, worst beginning.

Today was the day that I had to go to the new kid assembly thing. it was a whole bunch of teens in one hallway looking scared, frightened, and nervous.

Then a lady who looked like she was the principle started talking, "hi everyone my name is miss Horne. I'm the principle an I have had all of you come here to be shown around the school since its huge. I have a list of everyone that's here and I will assign you a tour buddy. this person will be your guide and will show you all your classrooms and ext. so let's get pairing y'all together ok so... Lea and Casey, Justin and Kevin, amber and Kira, Louis and lane, last but not least Harliegh and haylee. so that's all." I walked up to her "miss Horne my name wasn't called." "oh rats it looks like I forgot you and what's your name and where are you from ?" " It's kayla and United Kingdom" "it looks like we have an odd number so you will be with Mr.Saltzman the drama teacher.MR SALTZMAN COME HERE! this Is kayla and she is left out so you will be her guide show her around the school please" he spoke In the most incredible voice. " hello kayla please follow me this way you lucky duck" then me and him started bursting out in laughter.


😋Hope you like it so far ill update tomorrow!

Mr.Saltzman (teacher/student)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن