The rain pounded on the windshield, as cars went zipping by. I rubbed my arms as the cold starting seeping in. A horrible weather but I like it. I like cozing up on the inside while it rains out.
We hit a bump on the road and the whole car lurched sideways. I gripped the seat, clinging for dear life. Perseus Jackson, my older cousin, is a horrible driver. He just got his driver's license last week and he's been volunteering to steer the wheel whenever someone asked.
Beside me, shivering from the cold, the Daughter of Zeus, Thalia Grace, drew out a long breath as she said, "Hey Seaweed Brain do you mind lowering the air conditioning? It's damn cold back here."
The Son of Poseidon turned the wheel madly, missing a stray cat by inches. "And please drive safely." , Thalia added, her face turning into a sick shade of green.
Percy tilted his face sideways, giving us a smirk. "Like you can drive better, Pinecone Face.", he replied, momentarily taking his eyes off the road. I shouted, "Look out!". Percy swerved to avoid a parked car and I turned to see an angry man in a business suit waving his hands, threatening to call 911. I slumped lower into the seat.
From beside me, Thalia groaned.
Annabeth Chase, the Daughter of Athena, didn't even look up from her book of architecture. She's been so engrossed in it ever since her dad got it for her on her birthday last year. She's spent every living moment reading it. It's probably her 57th time now.
She was calmly flipping the page when suddenly Percy hurled on the brakes. I leaned forward, my head hitting the back of the seat. I groaned and pinched my nose. I hope it didn't deform. Thalia made a choking sound and hastily opened the window. Who on Gaea knows what she's doing. That's when Annabeth slammed her book shut and got out the shotgun seat. She reappeared on the driver's seat and grabbed Percy by the collar, dragging him out of the car. She took her place behind the wheel as Percy sheepishly took her place in the passenger seat. He pouted and murmured some not-so-nice words as I too grumbled things like, "Thank you thank you thank you Annabeth." . They must've heared it because Annabeth smiled at me through the rearview mirror and Percy shot me daggers with his sea-green eyes.
Thalia wasn't looking too good but she managed to let out a relieved sigh. But our victory was short-lived. As the sign turned green, Annabeth floored the accelerator and we drove through mid-town traffic. We hit our heads on the backs of our seats. Percy gripped his seat so tight that his knuckles turned white (oooh a rhyme! I must've turned into Apollo ·.·) and started muttering incoherent sentences. I caught one that might've been, "I don't drive this bad.". For once i actually prefered my risky cousin's driving.
Thalia kept clutching her stomach and making retching noises. Looking at her, I instantly felt guilty. They all asked me to shadow-travel them all the way to the school but I declined, saying that it exhausted me. Now, I regretted my decision. All the way Moonvalle High, the three of us prayed our deaths to be fast and painless in the hands of a dangerous Athena kid.
The school soared above us as a 5-storey peach building. On either side of it lay a building, the one on the right with blue paint and the left one with red ones. Dormitories.
The school itself wasn't impressive. But I'm guessing it had more awesome things on the inside.
"Hey, look at that.", Thalia leaned to my side of the window and pointed towards the building.
"Yeah I know. They should've added more color to it, you know?"
"Not that, idiot. The border."
I looked more closely and realized there was a transparent wall, barely visible to the eye. "Yeah, yeah I see it."

The Son of Hades
FanfictionNico di Angelo, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Thalia Grace are sent to Moonvalle High on a quest to find 13 demigods. Monsters have already sensed the number of half bloods there and it's the 4 demigods' job to make sure the 13 are sent safely t...