The Seven Riders of Mannan and Troublesome Kit Herondale

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A/N: As requested from EllieRose011 the Seven Riders attacking Kit, Livvy and Ty in London from Lord of Shadows ;) Obviously, there are spoilers so read at own risk.



Kit Herondale gasped as the three dark faerie knights surrounded them. With their backs to each other, Ty, Livvy and himself stared at their vicious horses as three Riders circled them, holding their huge, double edged swords to their throats.

"You will give us the book," the lead one said to Kit, his eyes blazing with deadly fire. "Or, if you do not have it, you will tell us where we can find it. If you do not, we will take you to our King where you shall be held prisoner indefinitely." Kit's mouth dried up at the threat, his palms sweaty.

"We don't know where it is!" Livvy shouted at the faerie. "And even if we did, we'd never tell you!" Kit wanted to yell defiantly with her, to be fierce and brave like she was, but he was frozen in complete terror. Demons were one thing; they were dumb and killed without meaning. These were dark faerie knights. Their sole purpose was to hunt down those who opposed their King, the fearsome ruler of the Unseelie lands.

Kit was sure Livvy knew that, but the stories that his father had told him clouded his mind.

"Etarlam," said a second Rider, a sinister ring to his voice. "What do we do with those who don't comply?" The first Rider grinned.

"Why, we kill them, Karn," he replied. "What say you, Eochaid?"

"We could, but I believe that they are still useful to us, brother," the third faerie said. "Their brother will soon give us the book as soon as he knows his precious siblings are in our possession."

"You leave Julian alone," Ty said, his voice cold and steady but sharp with fury.

"Yeah, you leave them all alone!" Kit joined in, trying to sound like a Shadowhunter. But his voice sounded like a hamster compared to the fierceness of Ty and Livvy. The Riders all laughed.

"We applaud you for your efforts," Karn chuckled. "Not many have the bravery to speak to us at all. But do you really think that we're scared of you?"

"Scared of them? No," a girl's voice suddenly rung out, a voice that Kit knew very well indeed. "Me, on the other hand, most definitely."

The Riders whipped their horses around, facing the one and only Grace Carstairs who stood calmly in the middle of the street, a glittering short sword in her right hand. She was dressed in black, ripped jeans and a leather jacket with steel capped combat boots. Her long black hair was down, tumbling over her shoulders.

Kit had to admit, she looked just as terrifying as she had the last time he saw her when she and Jem rescued him from his demon infested house. But he had known her before then. She was one of his father's oldest clients and someone he had always warned Kit to be careful around.

"She is extremely dangerous, son," he had told him. "There are rumours that she has an angel's soul and all the power that comes with one. Be careful around her, Kit. She is not one to challenge or anger. It would be the last thing you ever do if you did."

But even Grace had no idea who Kit and his father really were until she had figured it out. She was the only Shadowhunter, before meeting the Blackthorns and Emma, that Kit had ever trusted, and so he was glad when he found out she was his personal bodyguard.

But that didn't mean she didn't scare the hell out of him.

"Angelus Bellator," Eochaid said, his voice deadly. "We meet again."

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